By Scott Heppell
This is saying that we have a very strong relationship with our father as we are his children. This is relevant as we know him as god our father. OUR FATHER
The superb being who is watching over us. This relates to us today because I still believe he is watching over us to this very day. WHO ART IN HEAVEN
Respecting his name and not putting it to bad use. This is relevant because we still recognise god as our father and his name holy. HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME
It means let us be closer to your kingdom which is heaven. This is relevant to us because everyone still wants to go to heaven. YOUR KINGDOM COME
This means that we will listen that we will listen to you and follow your commands. This is relevant to us today because most people still want to please god. YOUR WILL BE DONE
We want god to help us and steer us away from the evil side. This is relevant today as we still ask god for help and forgiveness and steer us away from sins. ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN
This means we are asking for our necessities in life which are just the basic tasks that we need. This is relevant to today as we still ask for necessities but sometimes even more then that. GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD
This just means that we want God to forgive what we have done in our past and help us. This is relevant today because we will still ask for forgiveness AND FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES
For forgiving us, we will forgive others so we can show we are Christians. This is relevant to us today as we ask for forgiveness. AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US
Do not put us in temptation of our own desires that will not help is in life. This is relevant to us today as we look to you for help. AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION
Even though we don’t want to get all of our desires, just don’t lead us into the evilness of the devil. This is relevant to us because we still ask god to protect us from the devil. BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL
Amen means the end of prayer is done and wish for this to happen. This is relevant to us today as we end our prayers with amen. AMEN