JEOPARDY Are We There Yet? Jeopardy Time Countries Hiragana Kara/Made Transport Transport Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400.


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Presentation transcript:

JEOPARDY Are We There Yet?

Jeopardy Time Countries Hiragana Kara/Made Transport Transport Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1 What is the English for 月よう日 ?

$100 Answer from H1 Monday

$200 Question from H1 What is the English for らいしゅう ?

$200 Answer from H1 Next week

$300 Question from H1 What is the English for 八時半 ?

$300 Answer from H1 8:30

$400 Question from H1 What is the Japanese for 3:00 on Sunday?

$400 Answer from H1 日よう日の 三時 nichi you bi no san ji

$500 Question from H1 What is the Japanese word for next Friday?

$500 Answer from H1 らいしゅう の 金よう日 raishuu no kin you bi

$100 Question from H2 What does OOSUTORARIA mean?

$100 Answer from H2 Australia

$200 Question from H2 What does DOITSU mean?

$200 Answer from H2 Germany

$300 Question from H2 What does ちゅうごく mean?

$300 Answer from H2 China

$400 Question from H2 What is Korea in Japanese?

$400 Answer from H2 かんこく Kankoku

$500 Question from H2 What are Thailand and Indonesia in Japanese?

$500 Answer from H2 たいこく Taikoku INDONESHIA

$100 Question from H3 ほ

$100 Answer from H3 Ho

$200 Question from H3 き

$200 Answer from H3 Ki

$300 Question from H3 で

$300 Answer from H3 De

$400 Question from H3 ざ

$400 Answer from H3 Za

$500 Question from H3 しゃ

$500 Answer from H3 Sha

$100 Question from H4 What is the English translation for: 日本から OOSUTORARIA まで 行きます。

$100 Answer from H4 I will go from Japan to Australia

$200 Question from H4 What is the Japanese translation for I will go from Canada to New Zealand

$200 Answer from H4 KANADA から NYUU JIRANDO まで 行きます KANADA kara NYUUJIRANDO made ikimasu.

$300 Question from H4 What is the English translation for 水よう日に FURANSU から SUPEIN まで 行きません。

$300 Answer from H4 I won’t to from France to Spain on Wednesday.

$400 Question from H4 What is the English for 一時半に 日本 から AMERIKA まで ふね で 行きます。

$400 Answer from H4 I will go from Japan to America by boat/ship at 1:30.

$500 Question from H4 What is the English for らいしゅう の 木よう日 に ちゅうごく から かんこく まで 行きます。

$500 Answer from H4 Next week on Thursday I will go from China to Korea.

$100 Question from H5 What is ひこうき ?

$100 Answer from H5 Plane

$200 Question from H5 What is くるま ?

$200 Answer from H5 Car

$300 Question from H5 What is ふね ?

$300 Answer from H5 Boat/Ship

$400 Question from H5 What is 電車 ?

$400 Answer from H5 Train

$500 Question from H5 What is しんかんせん ?

$500 Answer from H5 Bullet train

Final Jeopardy What is the Japanese for On Saturday at 2:30 I will go from England to Brazil by plane?

Final Jeopardy Answer 土よう日の 二時半に ひこうきで IGIRISU から BURAJIRU まで 行きます。