Procedures: Beginning of class As soon as you enter the room, you have “crossed the threshold” and can no longer leave the room. Once you’re in, you’re in. Please use the restroom, get a drink of water, go to your locker and speak with your peers BEFORE you enter our classroom. When you’re in, you’re in! The doorway is for movement, not standing!
Rules/Procedures Please be on time!! If you are not completely through the door when the bell rings, you are TARDY!! No exceptions!!!
Procedures: Beginning of class Once you’re in…you need your materials out to work everyday. You must gather all of your materials before you begin your starter (sharpen pencils, borrow an eraser, etc.).
Procedures: Countdown When Mrs. Blackmon needs your attention, she’ll raise her hand. This is a signal for you to countdown. 3 – 2 – 1 3 – Get silent. 2 – Get still. 1 – Get attentive.
Procedures: Passing in Papers There is a rack with three bins on the wall beside the door. Each bin is labeled with a block class number. When passing in papers you will place your paper in the correct bin that coincides with the class you attend.
Procedures: Dismissal of class A minute or two before the class ends, Mrs. Blackmon will ask students to prepare for dismissal. Students are to listen carefully for instructions on how to return materials. Students should clean up around their desks. All students are to remain seated quietly until Mrs. Blackmon dismisses the class. The bell does not dismiss you, Mrs. Blackmon does!
Important things to know… English I is an EOC class!! This means a state exam will be given at the end of this course! English I is required in order to graduate from high school.
EXIT STANDARDS You MUST PASS THE EOC TO PASS THIS CLASS!!!!!!! Other EOC’s you must pass: Algebra I, Biology, Civics and US History.
Things to know… You will be required to keep a notebook! It will have five sections: Starters, Notes, Class work, Homework, and Literary terms. All work I return to you will be kept in your notebook. This will help you when studying for tests and quizzes. Daily Materials Each day you will need to bring your notebook, pencil/pens, and paper.
Research Paper Each class is required to do a research paper this semester. At another time, we will discuss the requirements.
Homework Passes Homework Passes can be earned throughout the semester. Passes can be given for the following reasons: Scoring 90 or above on a test Scoring 95 or above on a notebook
Rules/Procedures Bath-room breaks will be limited to one per week. After that, no other passes will be given. If you have a medical problem, please bring a doctors note. No other passes will be given out of class. Take care of everything before you come!
Rules/Procedures Non-educational devices are not allowed in class. This includes cell phones, ipod’s, mp3 players, and video games.
Rules/Procedures The dress code will be enforced. No hats can be worn inside the building. NO SAGGING!!!! Guys… Your pants are to be pulled up around your waist and shirts must be tucked in!!! Please RESPECT other people’s opinions and property!
Tutoring After school tutoring will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tutoring can be used to make test corrections, get missing assignments, or to get extra help!
Important things to know… Substitute Teacher Policy Complete all assignments given by the sub Act courteous and respectful to that individual All work will be graded and taken as a quiz grade!
Rules/Procedures If rules are broken, the following consequences will be assigned. Student-teacher conference Parent contact New seating assignment Reference to SRHS administration
Rules/Procedures After five absences, students must appeal their days. After an absence, contact me immediately to obtain your missing assignments! DO NOT confuse missed assignments with assignments you sit in class and choose not to do. You are only allowed to make up assignments if you were absent on the day it was given.
Things to expect… First quiz is on Thursday February 03, First notebook check - Friday February 4, First Bench Mark Test - Wednesday March 16, Second Bench Mark Test – Wednesday May 4, EOC Tests June