A Leadership Certification Course #8 Course #8
Boisterous & energetic Good muscle coordination; need activity Coordination is developing Developing more complex motor skills Can be restless
Think concretely; require concrete objects and pictures to understand Are inquisitive, curious Learn best from hands-on experiences with concrete objects
Are developing reasoning powers Memorize easily; love stories Enjoy discussing experiences and new ideas
Understanding of historical concepts Are related primarily to family (grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, siblings, parents) Are capable of prolonged interest Have active imaginations
~ Enjoy playing with others ~ Seek approval from adults ~ Like to have "special friends" and secret clubs
~ Enjoy group games, quizzes, projects ~ "Little legalists" apply rules to people ~ Imitate behaviour of parents, teachers and significant adults
--Appreciate variety within a stable routine -- Learning to control negative emotions; expressing them in socially acceptable ways -- Need adults to model self-control
~ Have an interest in God; God is great and good ~ Enjoy Bible stories at own level of understanding ~ Understand the sin problem & salvation ~ Knows God loves & cares for them
~ Have questions about our world, the causes of things, and their purposes. ~ Enjoy participation in worship, singing being part of the church community, need sense of belonging. ~ Need to experience love and trust to have capacity to expand faith later.
Provide variety in lesson presentation Use action verbs in telling the story Help them to apply the lesson Handwork should be practical
Show how they can use their energy for the Lord Teach them to do things for others Don't overemphasize memory work
Make Bible characters 'come alive‘ Explain the 'why' of rules -- those for classroom behaviour, handling materials, and those which God gives.
Help them feel secure in God's love Teach them to do things for others "Useful" imagination helps them work out answers to story problems
* Help them to learn to love God and desire to please Him in all phases of life. * Plan simple projects for them to carry out, like sending cards to a sick person.