1 Preview of Survey Results 6 th Annual Developmental Disability Public Policy Conference
2 Survey Sponsored by
3 Project Directors Thomas F. Coleman, Jim Stream, and Nora J. Baladerian, Ph.D.
4 Survey distributed by Children’s Rights Organizations National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse National Children’s Advocacy Center ABA Center on Children and the Law Child Abuse Councils Children’s Justice Act Task Forces (50 states)
5 Survey distributed by Disability Groups The Arc of the U.S. and The Arc of California Autism Society of America Easter Seals / Epilepsy Society The Law Enforcement Awareness Network National Center for Independent Living
6 Survey distributed by Adult Abuse Organizations National Adult Protective Services Assn. National Center on Elder Abuse ABA Commission on Law and Aging National Sexual Violence Resource Center
7 Survey distributed by Other Organizations International Association of Forensic Nurses Office of Violence Against Woman National Center for Victims of Crime National Organization for Victim Assistance American Assn. for Marriage & Family Therapy
people took the survey
9 A Wide Variety of Respondents 1,200 people with disabilities 1,200 people with disabilities 2,500 family members 2,500 family members 1,200 advocates 1,200 advocates 1,000 disability service managers 1,000 disability service managers 500 mental health professionals 500 mental health professionals 400 teachers 400 social workers
10 Disability Communities of Respondents Deaf/HH – 401 Blind – 280 FASD – 122 Speech – 617 I/DD Autism – 1054 Mental Health – 995 Wheelchair/Mobility – 993
11 Some Key Findings of the Survey focusing on the i/dd community
12 What percent of respondents in the i/dd community said they or their loved one had been a victim of abuse? (a) 35% (b) 43% (c) 62% Finding #1: Prevalence of Abuse
13 What percent of respondents in the i/dd community said they or their loved one had been a victim of abuse? (a) 35% (b) 43% (c) 62% Finding #1: Prevalence of Abuse
14 What percent of victims from the i/dd community said they had experienced abuse on more than 20 occasions? (a) 15% (b) 34% (c) 57% Finding #6: Frequency of Abuse
15 What percent of victims from the i/dd community said they had experienced abuse on more than 20 occasions? (a) 15% (b) 34% (c) 57% Finding #6: Frequency of Abuse
16 What percent of victims from the i/dd community did NOT report the abuse to the police or other authorities? (a) 34% (b) 46% (c) 62% Finding #9: Reporting of Abuse
17 What percent of victims from the i/dd community did NOT report the abuse to the police or other authorities? (a) 34% (b) 46% (c) 62% Finding #9: Reporting of Abuse
18 In what percent of cases where i/dd abuse was reported to authorities was the alleged perpetrator arrested? (a) 7.5% (b) 16.2% (c) 23.7% Finding #15: Outcomes of Reporting
19 In what percent of cases where i/dd abuse was reported to authorities was the alleged perpetrator arrested? (a) 7.5% (b) 16.2% (c) 23.7% Finding #15: Outcomes of Reporting
20 In what percent of cases did i/dd victims of abuse or bullying NOT receive therapy? (a) 37% (b) 52% (c) 73% Finding #21: Getting Therapy
21 In what percent of cases did i/dd victims of abuse or bullying NOT receive therapy? (a) 37% (b) 52% (c) 73% Finding #21: Getting Therapy
22 Give Us Your Address so you can receive the final report so you can receive the final report The report will explain how you can advocate for changes in public policy better system response
23 For More Information