INTRODUCTION In line with the 2003 resolution of the 1st UNI Africa Global Union regional conference which called on affiliated unions to adopt policies aimed at integrating young workers in union activities and structures, ZUFIAW has taken the lead in promoting the interest of young workers. ZUFIAW has held three youth conferences in 2003 (Kafue), 2007 (Livingstone) and 2012 (Siavonga) at which youth leadership was put in place. ZUFIAW Youth have participated actively at regional and global level in UNI Youth Conferences and activities and were elected into the UNI Africa Youth Committee in 2003.
As Zambia’s banking, finance and insurance sector continues to grow, it is increasingly dominated by young, skilled and yet unorganized workers who are vulnerable to exploitation by employers. This poses a challenge to ZUFIAW. Young workers are the life blood of the Union movement. To tap their vibrancy, militancy and give them a voice at the workplace, ZUFIAW should strive to reach out to these young workers in its sectors, organize and involve them actively in union activities and structures. This is in line with the youth recommendations adopted at the OPWEC workshop held in 2011 in Kabwe.
OBJECTIVES The Objectives of the ZUFIAW Youth are to: Address the special interest of young workers strengthen the voice of young workers in the union and workplace integrate young workers in the life of the union promote the visibility of the workers in the union
SUCCESSES ZUFIAW is the only Union in Zambia that has a Youth Committee in its structures. This also serves as succession plan for the Union. The Union has leaders in the National Executive Committee who passed through the Youth Committee and are now serving in the NEC. These are Ms. Peggy Mubanga and Mr. Ackim Mweemba. The Youth in ZUFIAW feel part of the Union and are able to express themselves confidently on all issues affecting the Union.
1ST YOUTH CONFERENCE Was held on 29th April 2003 to 1st May 2003, in Kafue under the theme “THE YOUTH, THE FORCE FOR THE FUTURE” and ushered in the following:- -Mr. Matyabano Nyirenda-Chairperson -Mr. Musanje Nsasa-Vice Secretary -Ms. Follie Sikalonga- Secretary -Ms. Yangwase Sakala - Treasurer -Mr. Vitalis Masopo-Committee Member
2ND YOUTH CONFERENCE Was held under the theme “Consolidating Unity of Purpose and Solidarity through the Youths” in Livingstone, 30th June 2007 to 1st July 2007 and ushered in the following:- -Mr. Chungu Chitambo-Chairperson -Ms. Ackim Mweemba- Secretary -Mr. Peggy Mubanga - Treasurer -Ms. Hellen Masilokwa-Committee Member -Ms. Rebecca Mwandunga-Committee Member
3RD YOUTH CONFERENCE Was held under the theme “Parents have shown the way, The Journey is ours” in Siavonga, April 2012 and ushered in the following:- -Mr. Dickson Hachiboola-Chairperson -Mr. Wamulume Lufwendo- Secretary -Mr. Steven Chikosaula - Treasurer -Ms. Leya Chifumbano-Committee Member -Ms. Etambuyu Ziwa-Committee Member
ACTIVITIES UNDER TAKEN IN 2012/2013 -Seminar held on 29th September 2012 at Mwiluzi Lodge under the theme:- “Promoting the Visibility of the young workers in Unions” 35 young workers attended the seminar -The second Youth seminar was held on 27th October 2012 in Kabwe at Misuku Lodge and 26 participants attended the seminar. - The Youth shall in 2014 tour other towns: - Kitwe - Ndola - L/stone - Monze (including Choma, Mazabuka and Kalomo)
NATIONAL PROGRAMMES The Youth are expected to co-ordinate and participate in national programmes under the ministry of Youth and Sport. The General Secretary did write an introductory letter to the Ministry and we look forward to our Youths participation in National Programmes
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS The Youth committee shall co-ordinate its activities with Union Network International (UNI) and UNI Africa. The 3rd UNI-Africa Conference shall be held in September 2013 in Nairobi Kenya and the Chairperson of the Youth Committee Mr. Dickson Hachiboola shall attend. In 2011 Ms. Tracy Chilombo Mukuma attended the 5th youth seminar in Accra Ghana.
THE CONSTITUTION The Committee and its objectives is not yet constitutionalized in ZUFIAW, however the same shall be done when ZUFIAW decides to make amendment to the current constitution after the Labour Law reforms currently under review is completed.
ZUFIAW YOUTH RULES 1.ZUFIAW shall have a 5 member Youth Committee which shall promote the affairs and interests of young workers in ZUFIAW. 2.The Youth Committee shall comprise of the Youth Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and 2 Committee members. 3.Only young workers below the age of 35 years shall qualify to participate in youth activities and be eligible for election. 4.The Youth Conference shall be held every four years. An extra-ordinary youth conference may be called with the approval of the ZUFIAW National Executive Committee (NEC). 5.The Youth Conference will among other things elect the Youth Committee and adopt youth objectives, resolutions, rules and action plan.
6.NEC may co-opt the Youth President in its structures or activities. 7.To attract young workers into the Union, ZUFIAW will involve the Youth Committee in its education and organizing activities. 8.The Youth Committee will meet quarterly and its activities will be financed by ZUFIAW or any other funding organization that the Union may identify. 9.The General Secretary of ZUFIAW will appoint a member of staff from the Secretariat to coordinate the affairs of the Youth Committee. 10. Activities of the Youth Committee will be integrated in the activities of UNI and UNI Africa Global Union Youth activities. 11. Youth committee Members shall be bound by the ZUFIAW Constitution Articles.
YOUTH ACTION PLAN To address the interests of the young workers and promote their visibility in the Union, the ZUFIAW Youth adopted the 4year Action Plan focusing on the five core areas:- -Organizing the young workers -Leadership Development -Integration of young workers in the Union activities and structures -Skills training and employability among young workers -Networking (UNI Youth, Commonwealth Youth Centre, Parliamentary Youth Forum etc.)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank the National Executive Committee for their support and encouragement to youth participation.