Employer Support Symposium & Seminar Update NRFC Brno, CZE, 30 JUL13 MAJGEN Paul Brereton, AM, RFD, Head Cadet, Reserve and Employer Support Division Australian Defence Force
Day 1 – SYMPOSIUM - AM TimeActivityPresenter Introduction and Overview Moderator opening address CIOR President COL Argent (GBR) Keynote addressesCZE Ambassador to NATO CZE NATO MILREP MG Davis (USMC) Key issues in Employer Support -The Government Perspective -The Defence Perspective -The Industry Perspective MGen Crackett (GBR) MGen Brereton (AUS) CEO Sogeti
Day 1 – SYMPOSIUM - PM TimeActivityPresenter Employment Protection -Legal aspects -Partnership -Employee’s vision Arne Krokeide (NOR) Frederic Bouffard (FRA) LCDR van Raemdonck (BEL) Discussion, Q&A Employer engagement -Deployment added value -Recognising supportive employers -Engaging employers MG Kasulke (USA) MGen Norgaard (DNK) RADM Bennett (CAN) Moderator closingCOL Argent (GBR) Reservist and Strategic CommsRoy Thorvaldsen Closing remarksMGen Lebel
Day 2 - ICESR TimeActivityPresenter Overview, conduct and objectivesMGen Brereton (AUS) Employer engagement – purpose, methods and issues Mr D. Hedges (CAN) Employment protection - purpose, methods and issues Mrs L. Jelfs (AUS) Employer compensation – purpose, methods and issues LTCOL S. Cardwell (GBR) Employment protection workshopAUS/DEU/NOR/USA/CAN Employer compensation workshopGBR/AUS/NLD/CAN Employer engagement workshopCAN/AUS/DNK Summary Closing remarksMGen Lebel
Central presentations Stream leaders present an overview of the purpose and methods of the relevant measure, and the main issues for consideration. Broadly based, drawing from multiple jurisdictions. Morning tea provides an opportunity for delegations to determine how to divide their personnel between the workshops, following the introductory presentations.
Workshops For each stream, lead and supporting nations will present –the main features of their national scheme; –perceived shortcomings; –issues and lesson learnt. Other participating nations are also invited to do so. There is then an opportunity for discussion in detail of issues and, where desired, small group and one-on-one discussion. Each workshop is to formulate a summary of main points/recommendations for the Summation.
Co-ordination Final co-ord conference will be conducted at the Conference Hotel on Wednesday, 31 Jul 13 at 1830, for all presenters and supporting staff. POC is LTCOL Peter Sims (AUS). Record of proceedings will be kept with a view to publication
Employer Support Symposium & Seminar Update NRFC Brno, CZE, 30 JUL13 MAJGEN Paul Brereton, AM, RFD, Head Cadet, Reserve and Employer Support Division Australian Defence Force