Current status of grids: the need for standards Mike Mineter TOE-NeSC, Edinburgh
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 2 Outline Effect of the grid islands Bridging grid islands What OMII-Europe is Doing
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 3 Revision Grid supports virtual computing across administrative domains EGEE and most grids have Virtual Organisation concept –A VO is a collaboration –Shares resources –Express membership of VO, its groups and roles in some way as a basis for grid services to authorise users requests
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 4 Grid Islands gLiteGlobus Toolkit 4 UNICORE CROWN Isolate: Data Computers Expertise
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 5 Effect of grid islands A VO can only use resources that share the same Authorisation/Authentication basis –Cant span UNICORE and EGEE grids for example EGEE – EU-funded grid infrastructure promoting collaborative research by sharing access to data and clusters, gLite with VOMS (Virtual Organisation Membership Service) DEISA – grid spanning HPC resources, built on UNICORE middleware Applications must be written for specific grid Disincentive for tool / high level service developers Need standards that all grids accept… and are complete! –Complete = if standards are supported, then services are interoperable
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 6 Bridges – to enable… gLiteGlobus Toolkit 4 UNICORE CROWN The global grid VO to span grids Application portability
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 7 Bridges – for interoperability gLiteGlobus Toolkit 4 UNICORE CROWN Job execution Data access and integration Accounting Info Services AuthN, AuthZ …
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 8 Approaches to Interoperability Adapters-based: –The ability of Grid middleware to interact via adapters that translate the specific design aspects from one domain to another Standard-based: –the native ability of Grid middleware to interact directly via well-defined interfaces and common open standards * definition inspired by OGF GIN CG
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 9 Who Benefits from Interoperability? Grid Developers –A single standard set of services on all Grid middleware systems –Applications portable across different Grid middleware systems E-Science application users –Common ways for accessing any e-infrastructure resources –Potential access to a significantly larger set of resources E-resource owners –Reduced management overheads as only a single Grid middleware system needs deployment –Potential for greater resource utilisation For the Grid to deliver on its promises interoperability needs to be taken for granted like network interoperability
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 10 How to achieve interoperability? Application level –SAGA – support same API on all grids –Interoperability or simply easier, portable applications? Need –Conform to standards –BUT standards are not enough (at present) –E.g. Common security basis OMII-Europe: build components in negotiation with gLite, UNICORE, Globus, CROWN
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 11 Web Services Grid Technology Grid Services Commerce Standards Tools Research driven Data-intensive Compute intensive Collaboration – sharing of resources - Trust: opening resources October 2001 View Open Grid Services Architecture
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 12 What OMII-Europe is Doing? Initial focus on providing common interfaces and integration of major Grid software infrastructures Common interoperable services: –Database Access –Virtual Organisation Management –Accounting –Job Submission and Job Monitoring Infrastructure integration –Initial gLite/UNICORE/Globus interoperability –Interoperable security framework –Access these infrastructure services through a portal
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 13 The Virtuous Cycle – Technology transfer with Grid projects and standards organisations Globus OMII-UK CROWN Components IN OUT JRA1 SA2 JRA4 JRA3 SA1 SA3 JRA2 New Components Standards Implementation Standards Compliance Testing and QA Benchmarking Integrated Components Supported Components on Eval. Infrastructure Repository
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 14 You will easily be able to find out! Evaluation infrastructures Common security base Components based on standards OMII-Europe Gateway (portal) Components – How easy are they to use?
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 15 Participation in Middleware Standardisation Most project participants involved as member/observer in many OGF WG 11 project participant hold senior positions in –OGSA DAIS WG (Database Access and Integration Services) –OGSA RUS WG (Resource Usage Server) –OGSA BES WG (Basic Execution Service) –OGSA JSDL WG (Job Submission Description Language) –GIN CG (Grid Interoperability Now) –OGSA-AuthZ-WG (Authorization) –GLUE WG –GFSG WG (Grid File System) –RM WG (Reference Model) –OGSA Naming WG –Technical Standards Committee –GSA RG (Grid Scheduling Architecture) –GRAAP WG (Grid Research Agreement Allocation Protocol) –OGSA BYTE IO WG –OGSA D WG (Data) –OGSA DMI WG (Data Movement Interface)
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 16 Summary OMII-Europe is a 24 Month EU funded project with 16 partners to establish grid infrastructure interoperability through implementing a set of agreed open standards on all middleware platforms OMII-Europe is implementing a number of components that will allow identically specified jobs to be run, managed and migrated to different middleware platforms Users can try interoperability on the OMII-Europe evaluation infrastructure, or obtain services for installation on their own resources from the OMII-Europe repository We anticipate OMII-Europe services will be integrated into standard middleware distributions - already in UNICORE 6
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 17 Further Information