1 AVID Tutor Training, Part 2
2 Your Tutor Trainer [Note to Presenter: Add your introduction and contact information here.]
3 Training Objectives Participants will: Review AVID structure and methodologies. Apply WICOR strategies within tutorials. Understand and apply tutorial protocols. Apply the steps of the AVID Tutorial Learning Process.
4 Words with Friends
5 Norms Ask questions. Engage fully. Integrate new information. Open your mind to diverse views. Utilize what you learn. Used with permission of Learning Forward, All rights reserved. 5
6 Agenda: Tutor Training, Part 2 AVID and Tutorials Overview Review the 10-Step Tutorial Process o Before Tutorials o During Tutorials o After Tutorials Mock Tutorials Reflecting on Learning Don’t forget about the Parking Lot!
7 The AVID College Readiness System AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
8 Ideal Tutor and Student HO 1-4
9 World Café Question #1 What has been your greatest challenge and/or success in AVID tutoring?
10 World Café Question #2 What connections exist between the CORNELL WAY (Focused Note-Taking Process) and the AVID Tutorial Process?
11 World Café Question #3 What role do AVID student binders play in the AVID Tutorial Process?
12 World Café Question #4 How are WICOR skills reinforced throughout AVID tutorials?
13 World Café Question #5 How does the 10-Step Tutorial Process relate to or impact other content classes for the AVID students?
14 Debrief Which questions required the most brainstorming? Which questions seemed most simplistic? How did this activity show different connections among the AVID non-negotiables? What WICOR strategies did we use for our World Café? Were they effective? Why?
15 Check Out My Agenda HO 5-6
17 Video Clip Preview HO 7.
18 Debrief What role do Cornell notes play in preparing students for tutorials?
19 10 Steps of the CORNELL WAY Socratic Seminar Preparation: Read “Walter Pauk’s Letter” (HO 10-11). As you read, circle any key terms and underline any claims that Pauk makes. Create one higher-level question to use for a Socratic Seminar.
20 Costa’s Levels of Thinking Recall Make Meaningful Process Information Evaluate
21 Costa’s Levels of Thinking Level 1 – “Input” What happened on 9/11/01? Level 2 – “Process” Why did the terrorists attack New York and D.C., instead of Chicago? Level 3 – “Output” How would our mayor have acted in comparison with the mayor of NYC if a local building was attacked? Would he have come out looking as good as Mayor Giuliani? Why or why not?
22 10 Steps of the CORNELL WAY Socratic Seminar Preparation Focused Note-Taking Reflection Prompt: What is Walter Pauk’s message about the importance of taking Cornell notes? What information in this letter is valuable for you to remember? HO 12
23 Socratic Seminar
24 Debrief What are three key ideas that you will stress to AVID students about their Cornell notes? Why? How is the process of Socratic Seminar similar to/different from the AVID Tutorial Process?
25 Process Posters Title of Process List of Steps Symbol/Memory Device Organizational Pattern HO 13-17
26 Debrief What information or processes did you learn about today that you can take back in order to help improve your own tutoring sites?
27 Summarizing Pyramid HO 18
29 Tutorials Review “Tutorial Member Protocol Summary” (HO 19) and “Tutor Facilitation Protocol” (HO 20). Select one focus area that has proven to be the most challenging.
30 Coaching Trios Activity Assign each member of the trio a letter: A, B, or C. For two minutes, Partner “A” presents their challenge using the 30-Second Speech protocol. Partners “B” and “C” listen and may take notes on a separate sheet of paper, but DO NOT TALK. For the next two minutes, “B” and “C” ask probing questions about the challenge, while “A” answers them. For the last two minutes, “B” and “C” offer coaching advice. “A” listens and takes notes on the right side of Cornell notepaper. Repeat this process two more times, allowing “B” and “C” equal time to present and be coached.
31 Debrief How did this process help you come to terms with your own tutorial challenges? What were some of your challenges? How are you going to overcome them?
32 Video Clip Preview HO 21.
33 Debrief How do you compare to the tutor in the video? What did the tutor do well? Where could the tutor improve? What will you take from this video to help you grow as a tutor?
34 Strategies and Scenarios HO 22-25
35 Debrief Which scenarios were the toughest to resolve within your group discussions? Why? Suggestions?
36 Tutorial Self-Assessment/Observation Preview: “AVID Tutorial Observation and Feedback Tool” (HO ) “Tutorial Self-Assessment Tips” (HO 30-31)
37 Video Clip AVID On Demand Module
38 Debrief What conclusions are you able to come to, based on this assessment? How can we use this information back at each site? With whom do you have those conversations? What do those conversations sound like?
39 Tutorial Request Form What are the key parts of the TRF? Initial Question Academic Vocabulary Know/Show/Tell Point of Confusion Reflection HO 32
40 Three- Column Notes HO 34
41 Tutorial Reflection HO 33
42 Higher-Level Inquiry Level One: Gathering/Input: It’s On the Page Remember Show Understanding Level Two: Processing: It’s Between the Lines Use Understanding Examine/Create Level Three: Applying/Output: It’s Off the Page Decide Use Supportive Evidence
43 Challenges Students have trouble with higher-level inquiry. How can we help them? Focusing on what we know… Observing parts, pieces, and how they relate to what we already know… Wondering…
44 Mock Tutorial Tutorial Roles 30-Second Speech 30-Second Reflect/Connect HO 35-36
45 Debrief How will you take these simulated tutorials and transfer what you’ve learned into tutorials at your site?
46 Summary vs. Reflection Movie and Dinner Movie Complete #1. Discuss #2. Complete #3. Dinner Complete #1. Discuss #2. Complete #3. HO 37
47 Summary vs. Reflection Tutorials Cornell Notes Reflections Summaries HO 40
48 HO 38-39
49 Debrief What problems did you see with the reflection process?
50 Step 9: Feedback HO 41-42
51 Video Clip Preview HO 43.
52 Debrief How do tutorials impact content classes? What methods do students use to debrief the AVID Tutorial Process regularly?
53 Final Reflection HO 44
54 Thank You! Please Complete the Evaluation.