Advisory Conference Brett Roberts
Research Plan Current work Investigating role of friction in tornadogenesis using idealized simulations Differs from existing literature by using special “base-state friction only” control experiments Quantitative vorticity budgets Potential future directions Sensitivity to various sounding modifications Real-data cases FULL FRICTION BASE-STATE FRICTION
Completed Coursework 55 hours total (including Fall 2013) 35 hours letter-graded All METR Satisfies the Ph.D requirement of 34 hours from letter-graded, graduate- level METR courses Future seminar will bring total to at least 36 hours letter-graded
Completed Coursework Core courses METR 5113 (Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics I) METR 5413 (Advanced Synoptic Meteorology) METR 5233 (Cloud and Precipitation Physics) METR 5223 (Atmospheric Radiation) “A” in all these courses satisfies grade requirement
Completed Coursework Elective courses Modeling METR 5344 (Computational Fluid Dynamics) METR 5353 (Parameterization Schemes) METR 5303 (Objective Analysis and Data Assimilation) Meteorological specialties METR 5123 (Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics II) METR 6223 (Convective Clouds and Storms) METR 5103 (Boundary Layer Meteorology) Radar METR 6613 (Radar Polarimetry)
Future Planning General Exam Committee’s availability for oral defense? Additional coursework Needed? If so, possible candidates C S 5613 (Computer Networks and Distributed Processing) – SP 2014 EnKF or Adv. Mesoscale – but likely not offered again until FA 2015? Timing to avoid overlap with General Exam?