Week 7 Debates
What do you think a “debate” is? If you have heard of them before, where did you hear or learn about them? Have you seen a debate before? If so where? English 1o DO NOW: 2/24/14
You create notes over the definition of debate and its parts. You ask at least one clarifying question while learning about what a debate is and its structure. You can recall the definition and parts of debate on your EXIT TICKET HW: get even more counterarguments for your topic in case you get assigned the opposite side of the topic you’ve been arguing. Success Today Means 2/24
Debate: 1.a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward. “The Presidential Debates were on TV last night” 2.Informal argument. “We debated what movie to watch.” Debate Notes
1. Opening Statements: (Use Introduction Paragraph strategies to create opening statements) Parts to include: An Attention Gainer/Hook: Background info audience needs to know first before you argue Ends with a thesis statement. THESIS STATEMENT= stance plus three main reasons in one sentence. Debate Structure
2. Arguments: (The body paragraphs part of debate) Section of the debate where the main reasons and their evidence are presented. (Transitions and clear topic sentences are vital for audience to follow your argument when they can’t go back and re-read your words) Debate Structure
3. Rebuttal Conference: The time allowed after the Arguments section for teams to compare notes, deciding what questions to ask and what points to attack 4. Rebuttal: The section of debate where one side questions the arguments presented by the other Rebuttal Definition: to disagree and to explain why Debate Structure
5. Closing Statements: The last section of debate where the stance and main ideas are stated again. Important to leave a powerful lasting idea/image in the closing statements. This is the last chance to win your audience over. Debate Structure
Which part is this:
Split a piece of paper with a partner, then respond without looking at your notes What is Debate? Name the sections of debate in order. Exit Ticket 2/24
Today is a test of your GRIT. We will be dividing up your topic into For and Against sides. Write out your topic and your current stance. Then respond: If you had to argue against your stance, what evidence or reasons do you have? Each topic will have people forced to argue against their original stance. If you volunteer to switch just for the activity this wek, you will get dippied for Grit 8 th pd. DO NOW 2/24/14
You know which side of your topic you are focusing on this week for our Socratic Seminar. You develop your reasons and anticipate possible counterarguments from people who disagree with your stance. You demonstrate all this by compiling your evidence for easy access during the seminar in your graphic organizer. Success Today Means 2/24
Today is a test of your GRIT. We will be dividing up your topic into For and Against sides. 1. Write out your current stance. 2. Then respond: If you had to argue against your stance, what evidence or reasons do you have? Each topic will have people forced to argue against their original stance. If you volunteer to switch for the debate, you will get dippied for Grit English 10 DO NOW 2/25/14
Move to Library One corner of room per topic Split people in topic group into two smaller groups: FOR group and AGAINST group Subgroups sit together at a table Team decides the three strongest REASONS (not supporting details) to use in the debate. Each team member fills out his/her own Debate Prep WorkshEet HW: Debate Prep Sheet with Three Main Reasons Filled Out Agenda 2/25/14
Yesterday you were assigned a debate stance. You created some reasons and supporting details for that stance, and then predicted how the other side might try to argue against you. For today, let’s keep predicting: What are some reasons you expect the other side to say to support their side of the argument. Try to write out two or three counterarguments. 8 th pd DO NOW 2/25/14
You have designed your prep worksheet for our seminar by filling in your evidence and reasons, predicting what people might say against your points and even predicted what points the other side might argue. COMPELTED PREP SHEET DUE BY THE BELL Success Today Means 2/25
Think back to when we wrote our reflective essay in the beginning of the year. What “attention gainer” or “hook” strategy did we use to start out introduction? Can you name another attention gainer strategy? (You had a sheet with a handful of different ways) English 10 DO NOW 2/26/14
Each member of the debate team writes out an opening statement speech. One page handwritten is about a minute speech (You might not have to give the opening statements, but if other team members don’t show on debate team, you’ll be ready) Each opening statement uses an attention gaining strategy that appeals to emotion, morals, or the beliefs of the audience (aka you add RHETORIC to your statements) Each opening statement always has a thesis statement. HW: Write out a closing statement speech. This is like the introduction because you will restate your thesis and leave us with some powerful idea/image. Success Today Means 2/26/14
Pick a topic and write a full paragraph argument. Take a stance, then backup that stance with evidence. 1.Cats are better pets than dogs 2. Females are better students than males 8 th pd DO NOW 2/26/14
You discover how to successfully engage in a Socratic seminar. You reflect on your experience and review your observer tally sheet to analyze how you can be more successful tomorrow when we discuss our research topics in a fishbowl Socratic seminar. Success Today Means 2/26
Great Debaters see the future. Let’s start predicting. Make this chart and fill it in with at least three items: English 10 DO NOW 2/27/14 Things our opponents might say against us Things we could say back:
You demonstrate your ability to critically analyze your own argument by finding weak points. These could be the reasons themselves, the lack of evidence in some areas, weak sources of information. You create a plan of attack before the debate even begins to prevent the other team from catching you off-guard. You demonstrate this plan by filling on the “Rebuttal (Projected)” box in your Debate Prep Worksheet HW: Complete your Debate Prep Worksheet. Success Today Means 2/27/14
Reflect on yesterday. 1.What are the social norms for the Do Now Time 2.Why do you think we only got to have a five minute discussion? 3.What do we (and you personally) need to do to have a better fishbowl Socratic Seminar today? 8 th pd DO NOW 2/27/14
You demonstrate your social intelligence by following the social norms needed to have a fishbowl Socratic Seminar. You participate in a productive and positive way in the seminar by remembering your assigned task and respecting others. Success Today Means 2/27
Which section of the debate would you feel most comfortable presenting? Which section do you think you would struggle with the most? English 10 DO NOW: 2/28/14
Each Team assigns “tentative” roles fore each member. Every member must have at least one part. Team members may present more than one section if group is small. Teams practice presenting their debates. Team members will act as the opponents so that the rebuttal sections can be practiced too. HW: Review parts of debate for mini-quiz Monday. Debates are on Tuesday. See me if you think there is a schedule issue because absent on debate day= zero grade (just like with MLK presentation). Success Today Means 2/28
Take out your debate prep worksheet we were working on in the library before we learned about the fishbowl Socratic Seminar and look at number one. What was your position? And (by looking at number two) what was a reason for your position? Today we are going to combine the fishbowl Socratic Seminar with our researched argument topics. 8 th pd DO NOW 2/28/14
You demonstrate your social intelligence by following the social norms needed to have a fishbowl Socratic Seminar. You participate in a productive and positive way in the seminar by remembering your assigned task and respecting others. You state your position, defend it and attack the weakness of other positions. Success Today Means