OMII-Europe Repository Steven Newhouse Director, OMII-UK
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Solid Base to Build Upon Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute UK (OMII-UK) –Repository of middleware packages (funded & un-funded) – Globus Alliance –Open source development portal & software repository – ETICS –e-Infrastructure for Testing, Integration and Configuration of Software – Enable Grids for E-SciencE –Develop and integrate software to support compute/data grids –
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 3 The Software Repository Portal Make available software reengineered within OMII- Europe and contributed by third parties –Single services/tools & complete distributions Provide an interface to select software from the repository based on user requirements –By capability/standards/provider/… Support the upload, download and installation of the software –Document platform portability & pre-requisites Verify the software through compliance & metrics tests
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 4 Added Value… Build on existing repository & software activities: –OMII-UK, C-OMEGA, EGEE, NMI Comprehensive support with links to: –Package documentation –Build & test reports –Certification –Tutorials & sample use-cases –Test resources Document the evaluation infrastructure & process
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE 5 Immediate Plans Analyze the OMII-UK repository –It is key to take advantage of the OMII-UK experience Not my words! –Provide mechanisms to contribute, check, evaluate & browse Collaborate with ETICS project: –provides tools to configure, build, and test software via a secure web interface and command line –defines a certification process –supports different types of package formats (e.g., RPM, TAR.GZ) for different platforms
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE ETICS at a Glance courtesy of A. Di Meglio Build/Test Artefacts Web Application Report DB Project DB NMI Scheduler Clients Web Service NMI Client Wrapper Via browser Via command- Line tools WNs ETICS Infrastructure
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Assembling the Components Portal (Download & Reports) Testing Scenarios Testing Infrastructure Build Repository Users Developers NMI B & T Component Repository ETICS OMII & gLite OMII/gLite OMII UWM CERN
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE Summary Repository of software to support e-Science More than just a SourceForge –Make sure the software works on different platforms –Use quality assurance metrics to assess software –Link to support infrastructures & documentation –Report on standards compliance Infrastructure to support the honest brokering
EU project: RIO31844-OMII-EUROPE