Wen-Hwa Liao, Wen-Chin Chung Tatung University, Taiwan CMC2009 (International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing)
Outline Introduction CD-MAC : Multi channel MAC with channel distribution Simulation Conclusion
Introduction MMAC Idle
CD-MAC Multi channel MAC with channel distribution Overview DCW (Decide Channel Windows) EPW (Exchange Packet Windows)
CD-MAC Multi channel MAC with channel distribution Assumptions Synchronized Single half-duplex Decide Channel Window (DCW) DCW packet : [S_id, D_id, CH_id] Each node maintains two table DCW table Channel list table : [CH_id, Counter] EPW DCW S_idD_idCH_id AC2 BD1 Counter
Broadcasts the DCW packet The source node F->G CD-MAC Multi channel MAC with channel distribution EPW DCW S_idD_idCH_id AC2 BD1 Counter FG3 S_idD_idCH_id FG3 (Smallest CL’s counter as its CH_id)
Broadcasts the DCW packet The source node F->C CD-MAC Multi channel MAC with channel distribution EPW DCW S_idD_idCH_id AC2 BD1 Counter FC2 S_idD_idCH_id FC2 (Select the CH_id as the destination node)
Broadcasts the DCW packet Neither the sender nor the other nodes receiver CD-MAC Multi channel MAC with channel distribution EPW DCW S_idD_idCH_id NullE (Itself)3 (Smallest CL’s counter as its CH_id) S_idD_idCH_id AC2 BD1 Counter NullE3
Each pair nodes transmit control packets on their decided CH_id to compete the access to the data channel. CD-MAC Multi channel MAC with channel distribution
Simulation Half of the nodes are sources Average of 10 runs ParametersValue Terrain205m*250m Transmission Range250m No. of Nodes40 to 120 No. of Channels1 to 6 Pk. Arrival Rate20 to 40 Size of Pk.512 bytes Size of DCW1 to 9
Simulation Aggregate throughput
Simulation Average delay
Conclusion Proposed a multi-channel MAC protocol that utilizes multiple channels to improve throughput in mobile ad hoc networks. Improves network throughput by dividing distributing pair nodes to decrease collisions to compete data channel the bandwidth utilization