Potential temperature section [Deg C] Intermediate Water Atlantic cold Atlantic warm Polar water
TWTT (s)
Useful for oceanography A high resolution sound speed map (mostly related to temperature change). If that is corroborated with density map we can say what type of mixing is going on (such as mixing along the isopycnals or across the isopycnals). Seismic data also suggest presence of internal wave in the shelf break (undulating reflections). These waves mean presence of turbulence. Turbulence distorts the water and may influence heat and salt diffusion. All these parameters are useful for numerical simulation that oceanographers might want to do.
What needed to make it a stong case? XBT and seismic along line JR and JR I can supply the lines in SEGY and that can be loaded into kingdom for planning. I shall recommend covering the shelf break region and upper slope and do as many XBTs possible. We also need CTDs (5 km separation) once seismic and XBT is over over the region to get information on salinity. We can show seismic images can be used to characterize the front (warm AW to cold AW) and the interleaving of warm/cold water and their lateral extent. It is important to know how the warm water loses heat. One way is direct atmospheric contact. The other is losing heat by mixing with nearby colder water.