A partnership between: ■ IGERT National Recruitment Staff ■ Each IGERT Recruitment Effort Note: INRP will not replace current recruitment efforts IGERT National Recruitment Program (INRP)
Provide effective liaison services to: ■ All IGERT Programs ■ Minority Serving Institutions and Organizations ■ Potential Students IGERT National Recruitment Program (INRP)
JAMES A. TEERI, Director SANDRA H. THOMAS, Senior Administrator ALLYSON FAUVER, Program Coordinator CHRIS CASH, Student Advisor CHRIS BREHME, Webmaster INRP Staff:
ANSLEY ABRAHAM Director, SREB Scholars Program BARBARA SHERRY IGERT PI, North Carolina State University EMORCIA HILL Director, Excellence Through Diversity Program, NE Board of Higher Ed. IAN HARRISON IGERT PI, University of Virginia MARGARET DANIELS TYLER Executive Director, Gates Millennium Scholars Program MARK HAY Signals in the Sea, Georgia Institute or Technology RICHARD GROSBERG IGERT PI, UC-Davis SUSAN BRANTELY IGERT PI, Pennsylvania State University THERESA A. MALDONADO Associate VP for Research, University of Texas, Arlington INRP Advisory Committee:
Outreach to: ■ Students, including those in established women/minority programs in research universities ■ Minority serving organizations Establish and maintain: ■ Interactive website and database to support IGERT faculty and potential applicant linkage IGERT National Recruitment Program Strategies:
■ Alliance for Success Institutions ■ American Indian Science and Engineering Society ■ Black Graduate Student Association (Howard University) ■ Council of Historically Black Graduate Schools ■ Minority Access, Inc. ■ Model Institutions for Excellence (MIE) ■ National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. (gem) ■ National Minority Research Symposium ■ National Physical Science Consortium ■ Science and Engineering Alliance, Inc. (SEA) ■ Scientists for the 21st Century: Biomedical Research and Training Opportunities for Minorities (NIH) ■ Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) ■ Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences (SACNAS) ■ Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Examples of Minority Undergraduate Programs
■ Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) ■ Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) ■ Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) ■ Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) ■ Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology (UMEB) NSF Programs that Prepare Minority Undergraduates for Graduate School
■ Download from: Priming the Pump: Strategies for Increasing the Achievement of Underrepresented Minority Undergraduates
■ REU-type programs are very effective recruiting methods. ■ Students seek a “caring and nurturing” environment. ■ IGERT needs to demonstrate to students that it has a caring staff. ■ Students need to know that they will be supported in many ways. ■ Recruitment is not a one visit event; it must be ongoing to demonstrate a caring and nurturing environment. Recruiting to IGERT
Goals: ■ Help locate and recruit qualified students, including women and minorities. ■ Design a generic recruitment package for all IGERT programs. ■ Contact each IGERT to offer assistance and solicit advice. ■ Identify a subset of IGERTs to work intensively on recruitment. ■ Identify appropriate contacts and contact information for each IGERT. ■ Develop a brief recruitment portfolio for each IGERT. Services for All IGERT Programs
Goals : ■ Help MSI’s & MSO’s find appropriate IGERTs for their students ■ Identify contacts in minority training community ■ Educate and assist MSI’s with IGERT opportunities ■ Educate and assist MSO’s with IGERT opportunities Services for Minority Serving Institutions and Organizations
Goals: ■ Help students find appropriate IGERT programs ■ Identify undergraduates with interests appropriate to IGERTs ■ Educate these students about IGERT & career opportunities ■ Link individual students with appropriate IGERTs ■ Develop and implement retention assistance strategy including routine follow up with students and IGERT programs Services for Potential Students
A Work in Progress– All Suggestions Welcome! IGERT National Recruitment Program: