Acts Of Aggression and Intimidation “Bullying” Presented by: Mara Madrigal-Weiss
What is “Bullying”?
Acts of Aggression or Intimidation … This happens when a student is intentionally or repeatedly exposed to negative acts by one or more students.
The acts of Aggression or Intimidation Imply an Unbalance of Power and Strength. The student who is being bullied has difficulties defending himself.
In Summary… The intention to cause harm exists It is a repeated act Occurs in a relationship where there is no balance of power
DIRECT ACTS Physical Verbal Non verbal hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting Provoking by making jokes, racial insults, verbal sexual harassment threats, obscene gestures
INDIRECT ACTS Physical Verbal Non verbal make a person attack another person spread rumors Purposely exclude someone from the group or activity
This Problem Affects Everyone Victims Aggressors/Predators People who witness the abuse
THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS AT SCHOOL Interferes with student’s learning. Creates an environment of fear and lack of respect. The students can perceive the lack of control or attention.
THE SHORT TERM EFFECTS OF BEING A VICTIM OF AGGRESSION Low self-esteem Illness Misses School Depression and Anxiety Suicide Thoughts
Children who are “victims” may manifest/display the following traits/characteristics: quiet, careful and sensitive insecure, and can have low self-esteem physically weaker (males) worried that someone wants to hurt them more social with adults than with other kids their age
More Effects of Aggression or Intimidation… 10% of the students who leave school before graduating reported that they did it because of frequent acts of abuse and intimidation
Long-Term Effects of Aggressive or Abusive Children 50% of those children tend to grow up to be criminals when they reach adulthood In these children exist a tendency to not finish the university or find a good job
Children who show aggression or intimidation to others could be… Upset, misbehaving and not showing compassion Be aggressive with adults good at getting out of situations when they are being accused of harming others Have high self-esteem Have positive attitudes about violence Get mad or frustrated easily Have difficulties obeying the rules Physically bigger or stronger (males)
Reporting Victimization A lot of children do not report anything about being bullied to school personnel. It is less probable that older students and boys report that they have been victimized than younger students and girls.
Simple Solutions (but not necessarily right ones) to the Aggression Problem Encourage the students to handle the problem themselves. Teach the victims to defend themselves. Encourage them to use mediation. Increase the self-esteem of the abusers. Make the abusers take group therapy.
For more information… Mara Madrigal-Weiss San Diego County Office of Education Phone: