Jack A. Cole
2 Represents 150,000 police, judges, prosecutors, prison wardens, and others In 120 countries
3 The Many Faces of Jack Cole
4 If Current Drug Policy Works, Seven things should happen: 1. Drug supply decreases 2. Drug purity decreases 3. Drug price increases 4. Drug use decreases 5. Drug overdose death decreases 6. Drug Prohibition murder decreases 7. Drug violation arrest decreases
5 Truth: Drug Supply Increased At the beginning of the war Largest drug seizures Measured by Pounds 1. Drug supply should decrease
6 Truth: Today Single Drug seizures are measured by 23 tons Heroin 1. Drug supply should decrease 20 tons Cocaine 242 tons Marijuana 15 tons Methamphetamine Tons
7 Truth: Purity of street level Heroin increased from 1½ % in 1970 to 60 % today 2. Drug purity should decrease
8 Truth: Wholesale Cocaine Prices Decreased 60 % 3. Drug prices should increase
9 Truth: Wholesale Heroin Costs Decreased 70 % 3. Drug prices should increase
10 Truth: Drug Use in the US Increased Before the Drug War = 4 million users 2 percent of that population 4. Drug use should decrease
11 Truth: Drug Use in the US Increased Today = 121 million 46 percent of current population 4. Drug use should decrease
12 Truth: Drug Use in the US Increased 46 percent of current population 4. Drug use should decrease 2 percent of 1965 population
13 5. Overdose deaths should decrease 18 times greater rate of Heroin ODs
Truth: Prohibition Murders Increased Mexico 95,000 murders and 20,000 missing since Drug Prohibition murders should decrease
Prohibition Murders per 100, Murders increased United States United States5 Puerto Rico Puerto Rico 30 Mexico20 Guatemala41
Prohibition Murders per 100, most dangerous nation on the planet 91 Murders 6. Drug Prohibition murders increased Honduras:
Truth: Nonviolent drug offense arrests increased From 65,500 in 1965 From 65,500 in 1965 To 1.9 million by times more than at the beginning of the war 7. Drug violation arrests should decrease
18 US Tax Dollars Spent Prosecuting the War on Drugs 1.5 Trillion
20 Rate of Population Addicted? 1.3% in 1914 when all drugs were legal 1.3% in 1970 when we started the drug war 1.3% Today, after 45-year of war Nothing changed in 100 years
21 Clearance Rates for Violent and Property Crimes
22 Clearance Rates for Violent and Property Crimes Unsolved 40% of murders 60% of rapes & arsons 75% of robberies 90% of Burglaries
US Police Credited With solving 91 % of Murders Today 61 % of Murders
24 Fail to Protect us from VIOLENT Predators Today, Police concentrating on nonviolent drugs arrests
25 Alternative Policy Solution Remove the profit motive End the Violence
26 End Prohibition Legalize and Regulate All Drugs
Jack A. Cole
28 Incarceration Rates in European Nations At or below 150 Per 100,000 population
29 Incarceration Rates in the United States By March ,009 Per 100,000 population
30 Federal Drug Imprisonments +2,558% +294% 3,384 17,302 17,302
31 The Drug War has been the single most devastating, dysfunctional social policy since slavery.
32 Who Uses and Sells Drugs? Whites constitute 72% of all drug users in the US
33 Who Uses and Sells Drugs? Blacks constitute 13.5% of all drug users in the US
34 Who Uses and Sells Drugs? Blacks are slightly less likely to use illegal drugs than whites
35 Who Gets Arrested? 37% of those arrested for drug violations are Black
36 Who Goes to Prison? 60% of those in state prisons for drug felonies are Black
37 Who Goes to Prison? 81% of federal drug offenders are black
38 Who Goes to Prison? Blacks are now serving an average of six years, while whites are serving only four years.
39 Incarceration Rates in the United States White Males 943 Per 100,000 population
40 Incarceration Rate of Black Males Per 100,000 population South Africa Under Apartheid 851 United States Under Prohibition 6,667
41 21st-Century Slaves Corporations Exploit Prison Labor 37 states have laws permitting the use of convict labor by private enterprise
42 Corporations Involved Whole Foods, Victoria’s Secret, JC Penney, IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, AT&T Wireless, Texas Instrument, Dell, Compaq, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, 3Com, Intel, Northern Telecom, Nordstrom’s, Revlon, Macy’s, Pierre Cardin, Target Stores, California complains they lost free fire fighting labor
43 1.How can Corporations compete without using prison labor? 2.How can the formerly incarcerated find employment on the outside? 3.How can our children entering the job market compete with prison labor
44 International Trade in Illicit Drugs Annually generates: $500 billion
45 This is a mere $207 million $500 billion would cover a room 2,415 times this size
46 End Prohibition Legalize and Regulate All Drugs
47 Will legalization cause everyone to use drugs?
48 National Zogby Poll If heroin and cocaine were made legal would you try them?
49 Less than 00.6 % said Yes
50 Won’t legalization cause everyone to use drugs? In the Netherlands Marijuana use by tenth graders
51 Won’t legalization cause everyone to use drugs? In the Netherlands 28 %
52 Marijuana use by tenth graders in the United States 41 %
53 Drug and Violence Indicators - US and the Netherlands - Marijuana Use Lifetime prevalence 37% 17% USA Netherlands
54 Drug and Violence Indicators - US and the Netherlands - Heroin Use Lifetime prevalence 1.4% 0.4% USA Netherlands
55 Drug and Violence Indicators - US and the Netherlands - Homicide rate per 100,000 population USA Netherlands
Portugal Decriminalized All Drugs in % Less Drug Use 5 2 % Less Overdoses 7 1 % Less HIV infections 3 00 % More Treatment 56
Switzerland treats Heroin use as Health Problem N o Overdose Deaths L owest AIDS and Hepatitis rates 2 0 % Quit Using Any Drug 6 0 % Reduction in Crime 8 2 % Decline in Heroin users 57
58 Success Story 1985 United States 42% smoked tobacco
59 Success Story Today United States Only 17% smoke tobacco
60 Albert Einstein on Prohibition The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this. Albert Einstein 1921
61 Prohibition - When will we learn? Members of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform pose for a photograph in 1932 (courtesy of the Hagly Museum and Library, Wilmington, Delaware). We are having to relearn the same lesson today that they learned 69 years ago.
62 Prohibition - When will we learn? Members of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform pose for a photograph in 1932 (courtesy of the Hagly Museum and Library, Wilmington, Delaware). We are having to relearn the same lesson today that they learned 69 years ago. Save our Children Stamp Out Prohibition Members of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform
63 Save our Children Stamp Out Prohibition
Jack A. Cole
65 Medical Marijuana Study No Increase in use by teens No Increase in use by teens 9 % decline in fatal MV Accidents 9 % decline in fatal MV Accidents 11 % decline in Suicide rates 11 % decline in Suicide rates 25 % decline in Overdose Deaths 25 % decline in Overdose Deaths After states legalized it
66 7 Countries have Decriminalized All Drugs for Adults 2001 Portugal 2005 Chile 2009 Mexico 2009 Argentina 2009 Colombia 2010 Czech Republic 2011 Greece
67 States and Country that legalized regulated and taxed Marijuana 2012 Colorado 2012 Washington 2013 Uruguay 2014 Oregon 2014 Alaska 2014 Washington DC
68 Police deaths per year Before alcohol prohibition 102 During alcohol prohibition 261 Between alcohol prohibition end and drug war start 144 During the drug war 178
69 Alcohol Prohibition Didn’t Work Either 15,000 saloons 32,000 Speakeasys
70 Methamphetamine use decreased Since % for 8 th Graders -78% for 10 th Graders -65% for 12 th Graders
71 Inmates there for crimes to get money to buy drugs State Prisons = 17% Jails = 13% Federal Inmates = 18%
72 Prevalence of Use of Any Illicit Drug (2001 – 2007) From DEA Presentation
73 Prevalence of Use of Any Illicit Drug (2001 – 2007)
74 Where Prisoners are Guaranteed
Murder Clearance 1966 Miranda Warning 1968 FBI Uniform Crime Reports 1970 War on Drugs 1983 Crack in LA, CA Percent of Clearance by arrest for murders in the US From 1965 to
76 When did this… Become this?
77 The Real Military Code on the Escalation of Force “Never point a weapon at someone you don’t intend to shoot.”
78 CNN using this photo over and over apparently missed this:
81 Keene, NH 2012 Population: 23,272 Needed Military Grade Bearcat to protect against Terrorist Threats Citing as a possible target their “Annual Pumpkin Festival”