Team 597 Foshay Robotics “We Just Don’t Build Robots… We Build Character!” January
Overview Who We Are? What We Do? Why Do We Do It? Where We Are Now? Where Do We Want To Go? How Can You Help?
Who We Are? We are … Foshay Learning Center (Grades K-12) A Student Population of 3,600 A Student Population where 90% of students are eligible for the Federal Free Lunch Program and live at or below the National Poverty level Located in South Central Los Angeles, CA A Year Round School Teaching Students about Engineering and Robotics Changing the Culture in our Community Building Futures A Family Foshay is a community of students and teachers who support and appreciate our robotics program
What We Do? We teach students… Applied Math and Science Skills The Design & Build Process Systems Engineer Trade Studies Electronics Control Systems Mechanical Drive Systems Pneumatics and Solenoids Computer Programming (C/C++/LabView) Entrepreneurial Innovations Good Safety Practices The Foshay Team has ten years designing, building, and competing quality robots for the FIRST robotics competition
Why We Do It? Traditional teaching methods are not enough in this 21 st Century Technological Revolution Many kids learn best by hands-on activities We want to build bridges of understanding in a world that is increasingly without borders We want our kids to take responsibility as leaders in this global community We want our kids to be Creators not Regurgitators We want to excite kids about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics The Robotics program allows students to see how their science and math classes are applicable to the real world. The intent is to spill this thought over to their entire course load.
Where We Are Now? 83% of our Robotics Alumni pursue a degree in Science, Engineering, or Math at major universities Our students mentor both Elementary and Middle School students in Science and Math Each High School Robotics Member is required to do 120 hours of community service per year We have students that are eager to learn but lack many resources such as computers We build robots in an environment that has minimal space for prototyping and testing We have very limited machining facilities 95% of the students from the Foshay Robotics team have graduated and moved on to two or four year colleges.
Where Do We Want To Go? We want to create more opportunities so kids could be successful We want to help fill the growing demand for Engineers, Scientists, and Researchers We want kids to be life long learners We want to institute an Engineering Academy at our School We are pursing the Carl’s Perkins Grant for career technical education We want to create Corporate Partnerships within our community The Foshay team will continue to grow as one of the top competitors in the FIRST Robotics Competition
How Can You Help? We Need… Funding Space Tools Adult Mentors Computers Internships Guest Speakers Your Expertise We Need You To Join Our Family! The success of Foshay Robotics in contingent on the support of our parents, mentors, and community.
Biggest Accomplishments 1. Our Robotics Team Members Traveled To Washington D.C. in October 2009 and spoke on Capitol Hill to the Congressional Robotics Caucus 2. We Have Touched The Lives Of Over 100,000 People with Community Outreach and Robotic Demonstrations 3. We’ve Changed our School Culture and Community The Foshay Robotics team continues to win awards in quality, engineering inspiration, website design, and safety - including the Chairman’s and Judge’s awards the highest awards given.
Welcome To Our Family