Computer Aided Drafting Create drawings using a CAD software program Explore uses of CAD Apply algebraic and geometric math skills to CAD
Electricity Describe electrical systems and their components Learn to use an electrical multimeter Determine the relationship between electricity and magnetism Use Ohm’s law Build a rotating “motor”
Environment & Ecology Explore energy systems Determine impact of polluted water Explore different aspects of recycling Plant and grow beans
Flight Technology Learn history and future of rocketry and flight systems Explore aerodynamics and rocket stability Assemble and launch a rocket
Computer Graphics & Animation Learn about the design process Create computer designed flyer Create computer animation Create brochure
Learn about 7 major body systems Determine weight to height ratio Learn about sports injuries and exercise Learn about daily fitness Perform “food” experiments Health & Fitness
Information Technology Design and produce a document using word processing software and spreadsheet Prepare a business letter Develop a multimedia (powerpoint) presentation demonstrating a variety of aspects of movement and animation
Laser Technology Identify laser applications for industry and communications Explore sound transmission, light factors, and fiber optics in laser application Create a laser light show
Materials Processing Learn characteristics of various types of materials Explore manufacturing process and technical vocabulary Design and complete a product using metal rod and plastic Make a CD case and a golf tee
Research & Development Produce a dragster prototype following design and development specifications Explore the laws of aerodynamics and mass Use “crush zone” engineering in a design to create an egg crash vehicle
Robotics Identify characteristics of different types of robots Use directions to control a robot Program the robot to go through a “maze”
Structural Engineering Test beams and panels to determine strength Identify tension, torsion,shear, and compression of a structure’s frame Build truss and test it Build miniature bridge and test it
Virtual Architecture Become familiar with tools that architects, designers, and homeowners use for designing structures Design your own room Using the computer, create an original 3-D living space
Scroll Saw This saw has a narrow blade used for cutting curved designs.
Band Saw This is a stationary power saw with a continuous vertically mounted blade.
Drill Press The drill press is a machine consisting of a powered drill on a vertical stand that is brought down onto the work with a hand lever.
Sander This is an electric power tool that is used to smooth wooden surfaces.
Plastic Molder This machine uses heat and pressure to melt plastic for molding purposes. Molds that we have are for a golf tee, a screw driver handle, and a mega paper clip.
Scale This triple beam balance measures weight accurately