Science in Y7 at Chesterton Tim Spencer – Assistant headteacher in charge of Science
Curriculum Two teachers (usually 50:50 split) Four double lessons per fortnight Setting BiologyChemistryPhysics CellsAtomic structureElectricity ReproductionProperties of matterForces Variation & inheritance Chemical reactionsEnergy Ecology
New topics for new GCSEs
Assessment Two end of topic tests/half term Students given new GCSE levels 1-9 Students provided with a feedback task
How do I help? Know when assessments are up coming – the first two are the week beginning 19 th October. CGP KS3 Revision guide & Workbook Help learning of key facts Physics equations (23 to learn) Science club
Science in Y8 at Chesterton Tim Spencer – Assistant headteacher in charge of Science
Curriculum Two teachers (usually 50:50 split) Four double lessons per fortnight Setting BiologyChemistryPhysics Food & digestionAtomic structureRobotics & forensics Microbes & diseaseRates of reactionSpace PlantsStructure & bondingLight & sound Energy changes
New topics for new GCSEs
Assessment Two end of topic tests/half term Students given new GCSE levels 1-9 Students provided with a feedback task
How do I help? Know when assessments are up coming – the first two are the week beginning 19 th October. CGP KS3 Revision guide & Workbook Help learning of key facts Physics formulae (23 to learn) Science club
Science in Y9 at Chesterton Tim Spencer – Assistant headteacher in charge of Science
Curriculum Two teachers (usually 50:50 split) Four double lessons per fortnight BiologyChemistryPhysics Human Health Environmental chemistry Forces 2 Electricity 2
Triple or Combined? L7+ average L7 in the end of KS3 assessment New grade 7-9 in GCSE end of unit tests in June
How do I help? Know when assessments are up coming – the first two are the week beginning 19 th October. CGP KS3 Revision guide & Workbook Help learning of key facts Physics formulae (23 to learn)