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Presentation transcript:

92 學年度國中基本學力測驗 英語科試題 外文六 趙秀霖 外文五 王孟勤 外文五 邱子玲 應用英語四 張惠貞 外文四 姚人慧

試題大綱 聽 說 讀 寫 綜合應用

聽 — 歌 曲 重 組 ( 共 4 分) Please listen to the song and re-arrange ( 重組) the sentences numbers according to ( 依照) what you hear. The song will be played twice. There will be 30-second intermission( 間隔) for you to write down answers. The correct order should be _______________ (1) There must be some words today ~~from my boyfriend so far away. (2) If there is a letter, a letter for me. (3) I’ve been standing here and wait, Mr. Postman. (4) Please, Mr. Postman, look and see.

試 題 解 析 答案: 試題層次:知識、應用 能力指標: 能欣賞簡易詩歌的音韻與節奏 畢業時能掌握至少 1000 個應用字詞,並 能應用於簡易的聽、說、讀、寫溝通中。 樂於接觸英語電影、歌曲、廣播、書籍 等。

Dialogue Listening Comprehension Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions according to (依照) what you hear. Please answer with complete (完整) sentences. The dialogue will be played twice. There will be a 2-minute intermission (間隔) for you to write down your answer.

題 目 1. Amy and Janis are talking __________. (A) face to face (B) on the Internet (C) on the phone (D) by s 2. Why was Amy not allowed to leave her house? 3. Amy should wear a mask except for __________. (A) talking to people (B) eating (C) sleeping (D) reading 4. What did Amy remind ( 提醒 ) Janis to do if she doesn’t want to get SARS? 5. How long did Amy have to stay at home?

答 案 1. C 2. She went to hospital the other day, and they are worried that she might have got SARS there. 3. B 4. Amy reminded her to wash hands many times a day. 5. She had to stay at home for two weeks.

試 題 分 析 試題層次:知識、應用 能力指標: 能聽懂日常生活對話和簡易故事。 能寫簡單的句子。 畢業時能掌握至少 1000 個應用字詞,並 能應用於簡易的聽、說、讀、寫溝通中。 能聽懂日常生活對話、簡易故事或廣播, 並能以簡單的字詞、句子記下要點。

說 Listen to the three questions and answer each of them with a few sentences within 30 seconds. Each question will be played twice continuously ( 連續地 ). For each question, there will be a tone ( 嗶一聲 ) to remind ( 提醒 ) you time is up. What color do you like most? Why? Who is your favorite singer or movie star?

說 What class do you like? Why? Where do you live? Is it a good place? Why? What do you want to do in the future? Why? What did you do last winter vacation? What do you like to do in your free time? Why? How do you like English? Why? Where did you go last weekend?

評分標準及試題層次 評分標準: 1. 發音 2. 回答和題目相關性 3. 文法 4. 句子完整性 試題層次:應用、綜合

能 力 指 標 能聽懂日常生活對話和簡易故事。 能以簡易的英語介紹家人及朋友等 能以簡易的英語表達個人的需求,意願與感受 能依情境及場合,適切的表達自我並與他人溝通 能以簡單的應與描述日常生活中相關之人事物 能以簡易英語介紹中外風土民情

讀 — 讀圖表回答問題 Tom is planning to travel around Taiwan, so he needs to watch the weather report. The following chart is what he sees on TV. Please answer the following questions according to the weather report.

題 組 題 目 1. The weather is the hottest on. (A) Oct. 20 (B) Oct. 21 (C) Oct. 22 (D) Oct It will not rain on. (A) Oct. 20 (B) Oct. 21 (C) Oct. 22 (D) Oct If Tom travels to Taichung, he may want to take a sun bath on ________. (A) Oct. 20 (B) Oct. 21 (C) Oct. 22 (D) Oct If Tom travels to Taipei on Oct.21, he may want to ________. (A) Oct. 20 (B) Oct. 21 (C) Oct. 22 (D) Oct 23

試 題 分 析 答案: A , D , D , C 認知層次:理解、分析 能力指標: 能看懂常用的英文標示和圖表

題 目 Billy Gilman is the manager of a famous female basketball team. Because one of the players of his team is going to retire, he begins to look for other outstanding players. Below is a form with the information about four basketball new stars who are considered quite promising. Answer the following questions according to the form.

題 目 1.Which of the following statements is not true? (A) Cindy is taller than Helen. Julia is the shortest of the four basketball players. (B) Julia is more experienced than all the other players. (C) Helen is the youngest, and she is the most inexperienced of the four. (D) Cindy is faster than Helen. Julia is the slowest player. (E) Ruby and Cindy are heavier than Helen.

2. Billy wants a player who is young, over 180cm high, weighs less than 75kg, and can run very fast. He doesn’t care whether the player has rich experience or not. Which of the four new stars do you think is the best choice for Billy? (A) Helen (B) Julia (C) Cindy (D) Ruby

試 題 分 析 答案: D, A 認知層次:應用、分析 能力指標: 能看懂常用的英文標示和圖表

題 目 The following is a speech made by an electric pet rabbit, Tamago, that lives in the computer of its master. Its master feeds it twice a day and talks to it by a keyboard very often, so Tamago knows his master very well. Tamago wants to show his master how clever it is. However, it seems that there is something wrong with the computer system, and thus the word order of some sentences made by Tamago is wrong. Help the poor pet rewrite the wrong sentences, or its master may get angry with it. The wrong sentences have been marked for you.

My master is David. 1.A restaurant his parents run. His favorite singer is Amei. He is fond of listening to her songs. Almost every day he gets up at 6:30 a.m. 2.The school bus at 7:15 a.m. outside his house he waits for. 3.He at 7:45 a.m. arrives at school usually. He loves his new school very much. 4.Kind and friendly all the teachers and classmates are. He likes the music class best. This Christmas he is going to take a trip to London with his family. 5.Wants to with foreigners speaking English he practice. …

試 題 分 析 答案: 1. His parents run a restaurant. 2. He waits for the school bus outside his house at 7:15 a.m. 3. He usually arrives at school at 7:45 a.m. 4. All the teachers and classmates are kind and friendly. 5. He wants to practice speaking English with foreigners. 認知層次:理解、應用 能力指標: 能寫簡單的句子

題 目 There was a bank which has been robbed. We have a witness. According to the witness, try to find the robber and write other traits of the robber. Witness: He is as tall as a tree. His eyes are round and big. He wears a pair of pants with a lot of pockets. 1. Who is the robber? _____________ 2. Write two other traits of the robber. He___________________________

試 題 分 析 答案: 1. Peter 2. He has a long neck. He wears a T-shirt. ( 答案僅供參考, 同學可自由發揮 ) 認知層次 : 理解、分析、綜合 能力指標: 能寫簡單的句子 能看懂簡易故事或短文, 並能以簡單的字 詞記下要點

The following is a letter from Susan to her friend, Mary. Please read the letter carefully and write a reply for Mary. Dear Mary: Long time no see! How is everything? I have moved to Tainan for a month and I miss you very much. I believe that you remember my brother, Paul. But we have a big problem now. He is really lazy. He just watches TV all day and plays basketball with his friends. He keeps a dog, but he never cleans the mess which the dog makes. He doesn’t share the housework with me, either. Gosh! I really hate that! Could you give me some ideas to solve the problem? I want to know your opinions. Thanks! Yours truly, Susan

試 題 分 析 答案: 此題為自由發揮的小作文題, 所以同學需看懂 內容後再自由寫出一封回信。 認知層次:理解、綜合 能力指標: 能看懂日常溝通中簡易的書信、留言或賀 卡、邀請卡等,並以口語或書面作簡短回 應。

綜 合 應 用 Nowadays, People living in Taiwan are facing two problems: short of water and SARS attack. Did you ever wonder where the rain comes from? Now, let’s find out the answer with your daily experience. Rain always comes form clouds. But where do clouds come from? How does all that water get into the sky? Think about your bathroom. There is hot water in your bath. Steam goes up from the hot water. The Steam makes small clouds in the bathroom. These warm clouds meet the cold walls and windows, and then we see small drops of water on the walls and windows.

The world is like your bathroom. The water in the oceans is warm when the sun shines on it. Some of this water goes up into the sky and makes clouds. The wind carries the clouds form hundreds of kilometers. Then the clouds meet cold air in the sky, and we see drops of water. The drops of water are rain. The rain falls and runs into rivers. Rivers run into oceans. And the water from oceans makes clouds and more rain. So, water is always moving form oceans to clouds to rain to rivers to oceans. So the rain on your head was on other heads before! The water in your garden was once in other gardens in other countries!

A. Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answer. 1.Cold air in the sky is like the _______ in the bathroom. (A) bath (B) steam (C) walls (D) showers 2.Water is always __________. (A)going somewhere (B) moving away form the ocean (C) going up (D) carried by wind 3.The same water falls form the sky. (A)in the same place (B) again and again (C) every day (D) to oceans only 4.What is the best title for this article? (A) We need rain. (B) Rain and clouds (C) Where does the rain come form? (D) Where dose the rain go?

試 題 分 析 答案: C, B, B, C 認知層次:理解、綜合 能力指標: 瞭解基本英文閱讀技巧,進而提升閱讀能 力與興趣。 樂於嘗試閱讀故事、雜誌及其他課外讀物。

B. Q&A : Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1.Where do big clouds come from? _____________________________________________ 2.What happens when clouds meet cold air? _____________________________________________ 3.Write down the water cycle. sun cold air water

試 題 分 析 認知層次:綜合 能力指標: 能寫簡單的句子。 能看懂故事及簡易短文,並能以幾個 簡短的句子述說或寫出內容大意。

English Composition C. 英文作文 說明:請根據下方短文在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文 (200 字為限 ), 自訂題目並請寫於第一行。 “Last summer was so hot that in some cities in the north of Taiwan it didn’t rain for one month. Keelung, for example, was short of water, and people had no water to use. Everyone knows water comes form rain. If there is no, there will be no rain, but of course it didn’t bring rain at all. Today,

people seed the clouds. But seeding clouds does not always make it rain,because it only works if the clouds are big and have enough water.” Said Dr.Mac. However, Taiwan now is under SARS attack, and we need more water to use. As a result, we would meet the conflict between SARS and saving water. Now, write down your opinions to show your ideas about how to save water in Taiwan, including your real experiences around your life.

試 題 分 析 認知層次:理解、應用、綜合 能力指標: 能寫簡單的賀卡、書信及段落等。 能看懂日常溝通中簡易的書信、留言 或賀卡、邀請卡等,並能 以口語或書 面作簡短的回應 。