United States Imperialism
Foxborough History Department2 Social Darwinism The application of Darwinism to the study of human society, specifically a theory in sociology that individuals or groups achieve advantage over others as the result of genetic or biological superiority. The application of Darwinism to the study of human society, specifically a theory in sociology that individuals or groups achieve advantage over others as the result of genetic or biological superiority.
The Monroe Doctrine (1823) Part of annual Presidential message to Congress Part of annual Presidential message to Congress Warned European powers not to interfere with affairs in the Western Hemisphere Warned European powers not to interfere with affairs in the Western Hemisphere Also stated that the U.S. would not involve itself in European affairs Also stated that the U.S. would not involve itself in European affairs Effects of the Doctrine Made the U.S. a power player on the world stage Made the U.S. a power player on the world stage
American Expansionism America had always sought to expand the size of their nation. America had always sought to expand the size of their nation. America wanted to join imperialist powers in Europe and establish colonies overseas. America wanted to join imperialist powers in Europe and establish colonies overseas. Imperialism- policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories. Imperialism- policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories.
Causes of American Imperialism Political / Military Foreign military bases needed to protect American business interests Economic -Raw materials needed to fuel American Industries -New markets needed to buy American products Cultural -Belief in Social Darwinism (racial superiority) -Moral responsibility to “Christianize” and civilize “inferior peoples”
Admiral Alfred T. Mahan and American Imperialism Saw the need for U.S. to establish global presence Saw the need for U.S. to establish global presence Wrote “The Influence of Sea Power on History; ” Wrote “The Influence of Sea Power on History; ” Urged U.S. gov’t to build up American naval power Urged U.S. gov’t to build up American naval power –To compete with other powerful empires –To protect commercial shipping lanes : 9 new modern warships were built and the battleship was created : 9 new modern warships were built and the battleship was created
The U.S. Acquires Alaska William Seward- Secretary of State under presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. William Seward- Secretary of State under presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. 1867: U.S. bought Alaska for $7.2 million from Russia 1867: U.S. bought Alaska for $7.2 million from Russia –Known as“Seward’s Icebox” or “Seward’s Folly” –1959 became a state –Land rich with minerals, timber, and oil.
The U.S. Focuses on Hawaii 1867: U.S. took over the Midway Islands just north of Hawaii 1867: U.S. took over the Midway Islands just north of Hawaii 1887: Hawaiian gov’t allows U.S. to build ship refueling station at Pearl Harbor 1887: Hawaiian gov’t allows U.S. to build ship refueling station at Pearl Harbor –Becomes major U.S. Navy Base : Sugar Planters fight for Hawaiian Annexation : Sugar Planters fight for Hawaiian Annexation –Sugar planters did not want to pay duty (tax) to export sugar to U.S. –Planters rebelled against and overthrew Hawaiian monarchy with American military support 1898: Hawaii annexed as a U.S. territory 1898: Hawaii annexed as a U.S. territory 1959: Hawaii becomes the 50 th state 1959: Hawaii becomes the 50 th state
Hawaiian Islands
Spanish American War (1898) Causes of the War American Interests in Cuba American Interests in Cuba –Heavy investments in Cuban sugar plantations –American railroad companies wanted to control Cuban railroad expansion The U.S.S. Maine, 1898
Spanish American War (1898) Causes of the War The DeLome Letter (1897): The DeLome Letter (1897): –Letter sent by Spanish Minister Enrique DeLome that was captured by Cuban rebels –It criticized President McKinley, calling him weak –These insults angered Americans and opened the door for talks of war with Spain There were also American investors that wanted war for financial reasons The U.S.S. Maine, 1898
Spanish American War (1898) Causes of the War The U.S.S. Maine The U.S.S. Maine –1898: The U.S.S. Maine was sent by Pres. McKinley to bring home American citizens –February 15, 1898: The U.S.S. Maine exploded in the harbor at Havana killing 260 men –The explosion was blamed on the Spanish The U.S.S. Maine, 1898
Foxborough History Department13 To Hell with Spain Remember the Maine At 9:40pm on February 15, 1898, the battleship U.S.S. Maine exploded in Havana Harbor At 9:40pm on February 15, 1898, the battleship U.S.S. Maine exploded in Havana Harbor 268 men were killed, shocking the American population 268 men were killed, shocking the American population What or who caused this explosion? What or who caused this explosion?
Foxborough History Department14 Yellow Journalism Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers. Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers.
What is Yellow Journalism? Yellow Journalism is an attention- grabbing and sensationalized type of reporting. Yellow Journalism is an attention- grabbing and sensationalized type of reporting. Uses images that are twisted into misleading illusions. Uses images that are twisted into misleading illusions. Yellow Journalism Picture. [Online Image] bobsMbkZGRjc3Qza2hfNjFocW5qM3pmNw&h l=en. September 28, bobsMbkZGRjc3Qza2hfNjFocW5qM3pmNw&h l=en
Intro to Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism was introduced to the world by Pulitzer and Hearst during the Spanish- American War. Yellow Journalism was introduced to the world by Pulitzer and Hearst during the Spanish- American War. Their feud started with a cartoon called “The Yellow Man” Their feud started with a cartoon called “The Yellow Man” This is where the name Yellow Journalism comes from. This is where the name Yellow Journalism comes from. Hearst and Randolph fighting over who has control of the War. [Online Image] ory.htm September 28, 2009
The Yellow Man Cartoon William Randolph Hearst stole the cartoonist from Joesph Pulitzer to make the strip his William Randolph Hearst stole the cartoonist from Joesph Pulitzer to make the strip his Pulitzer made another cartoonist copy the cartoon in his paper Pulitzer made another cartoonist copy the cartoon in his paper Soon they were engaged in a furious contest to see who could sell the most papers Soon they were engaged in a furious contest to see who could sell the most papers To sell papers, they created yellow journalism.. And so it begun To sell papers, they created yellow journalism.. And so it begun Joesph Pulitzer [Online Image] cepts.com/pulitzer/he arst.jpg October 1, William Randolph Hearst {Online Image} ink.org/db_images /William_Randolph _Hearst_P-I- portrait.jpg October 1, 2009.
How Yellow Journalism Helped to Cause War This rivalry between Hearst and Pulitzer came to its peak in 1898, when the Spanish-American war occurred This rivalry between Hearst and Pulitzer came to its peak in 1898, when the Spanish-American war occurred Both of their newspapers helped guide America to war Both of their newspapers helped guide America to war It played a huge role in American history It played a huge role in American history Remember the Maine [Online Image] mages/medals/MaineSilkRIbbons2.j pg October 2, 2009
Foxborough History Department19 Theodore Roosevelt Assistant Secretary of the Navy. “I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one” “I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one” First Volunteer for Cavalry, nicknamed the "Rough Riders.“ First Volunteer for Cavalry, nicknamed the "Rough Riders.“
Menger Bar Menger Hotel San Antonio, Texas
Foxborough History Department21 July 1, 1898: San Juan Hill taken by "Rough Riders"
The War is Ended Treaty of Paris: December 10, 1898 Treaty of Paris: December 10, 1898 –Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico were turned over to the U.S. –Spain sold the Philippines to the U.S. for $20 million Treaty Sparks Debates Treaty Sparks Debates –Many Americans felt that annexation of territories and not giving them self governance violated the Declaration of Independence –Booker T. Washington argued that America should remedy the concerns of African Americans before taking on issues elsewhere
Foreign Influence in China Weakened by war and foreign intervention, China became vulnerable to foreign countries. Weakened by war and foreign intervention, China became vulnerable to foreign countries. European nations set up trade markets and gave themselves special privileges European nations set up trade markets and gave themselves special privileges Open Door Notes (1899) Open Door Notes (1899) –Issued by John Hay, U.S. Secretary of State –Notes proposed that imperialist nations share trade privileges in China with the U.S.
The Boxer Rebellion Secret societies formed to rid China of foreign influence and dominance Secret societies formed to rid China of foreign influence and dominance Righteous and Harmonious Fists (aka “Boxers” Righteous and Harmonious Fists (aka “Boxers” –Killed missionaries, traders, and Christian converts –1900: Eight nation force was assembled to put down the “Boxer Rebellion”
T. Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy “Big-Stick” Diplomacy was the slogan describing TR’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. The United States he claimed had the right not only to oppose European intervention in the Western Hemisphere, but also intervene itself in the domestic affairs of their neighbors if they proved unable to maintain order and national sovereignty on their own. “Big-Stick” Diplomacy was the slogan describing TR’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. The United States he claimed had the right not only to oppose European intervention in the Western Hemisphere, but also intervene itself in the domestic affairs of their neighbors if they proved unable to maintain order and national sovereignty on their own.
T. Roosevelt's Foreign Policy Roosevelt was the 1 st President to play a significant role in world affairs Roosevelt was the 1 st President to play a significant role in world affairs Imperialism in the Western Hemisphere: “Speak softly but carry a big stick {and} you will go far.” Imperialism in the Western Hemisphere: “Speak softly but carry a big stick {and} you will go far.” Disciple of Alfred Thayer Mahan Disciple of Alfred Thayer Mahan Proponent of domination of Western Hemisphere Military and naval strength Isthmian Canal (Panama) Need for overseas bases & coaling stations Export American products, ideas, and values worldwide
PANAMA CANAL Spanish -American war showed the need for a canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Spanish -American war showed the need for a canal to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. U.S. now had major interests in both spheres (Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines) U.S. now had major interests in both spheres (Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines)
STEPS to a CANAL 1. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850) 2. Ferdinand de Lesseps (of Suez fame) fails in Panama due to diseases in the swampy marshes around canal zone ( ) 3. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901) – Britain agreed to give U.S. right to build canal and right to fortify it as well 4. Columbian Senate rejected a treaty with the U.S. for a canal in Panama (which was part of Columbia) 5. Panama Revolution (1903) - U.S. naval forces didn’t allow Columbian troops across the isthmus (GUNBOAT DIPLOMACY) 6. Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty- US paid Panama Canal Co. $40 million and canal zone was widened from 6 to 10 miles. 7. TR -> “I took the canal….now let Congress debate what to do next…” 8. Latin America resented “The Colossus of the North” after its taking Puerto Rico, Cuba, and now Panama. “ARE WE NEXT?” 9. Canal completed in 1914 at a cost of $400 million
GREATEST CHALLENGE TO BUILDING THE CANAL? DISEASE…Workers spent the first two years dredging and draining the swamps around the canal zone. Fumigating the jungles in the region also reduced the dominance of malaria and yellow fever. DISEASE…Workers spent the first two years dredging and draining the swamps around the canal zone. Fumigating the jungles in the region also reduced the dominance of malaria and yellow fever.
WILLIAM H. TAFT Dollar Diplomacy- Dollar Diplomacy- –US foreign policy protected by Wall Street dollars invested abroad –Using Wall Street dollars to uphold foreign policy…sought to reduce rival powers, e.g. Germany, from raking advantage of financial chaos in the Caribbean. –U.S. bankers would strengthen U.S. defenses and foreign policies while bringing prosperity to the U.S. –DOLLAR DIPLOMACY REPLACED THE BIG STICK!
WOODROW WILSON Wilson disliked imperialism…but Wilson disliked imperialism…but Yet, Wilson would eventually intervene in Latin America more than any other president in American history. Yet, Wilson would eventually intervene in Latin America more than any other president in American history.
WILSON’S ANTI-IMPERIALIST POLICIES Granted Philippines as “territorial” status and promised independence Granted Philippines as “territorial” status and promised independence Initially proclaimed that US would no longer offer special support to American investors in Latin America… Initially proclaimed that US would no longer offer special support to American investors in Latin America… Made Puerto Ricans citizens Jones Act (1917) Made Puerto Ricans citizens Jones Act (1917)
Imperialism under Wilson Wilson sent Marines into Nicaragua (became a protectorate) Wilson sent Marines into Nicaragua (became a protectorate) sent forces into Haiti (became a protectorate) sent forces into Haiti (became a protectorate) Ordered navy and to intercept a German ship carrying arms to Mexico Ordered navy and to intercept a German ship carrying arms to Mexico MEXICO MEXICO sent Marines into Dominican Republic (became a protectorate); remained until sent Marines into Dominican Republic (became a protectorate); remained until US purchased Virgin Islands from Denmark US purchased Virgin Islands from Denmark