Matthew Andrews Regional Alcohol Manager Regional Public Health Group - London
Presentation on the LDD report Dr Matthew Andrews Regional Alcohol Manager 2.30 pm – 2.45pm Questions and Answers 2.45pm – 3.00pm Tea & Coffee Break 3.00pm – 3.10pm Group discussion 3.10pm – 3.40pm Feedback 3.40pm – 4.10pm Closing Remarks Dr Matthew Andrews 4.10pm – 4.15pm Agenda
Seeking Londoner's input on what we can do for them and their community Listening to Londoner's views on alcohol and its effects Understanding how alcohol effects communities and individuals within London Developing a better understanding of the work that is being done across London to address alcohol related issues Creating stronger ties between individuals, DH, communities and partner organisations Generating a media profile and public awareness of alcohol related issues and its effects across London LDD so far…….
London Drink Debate High Profile Panel Debate Community Consultation Event London Alcohol Leads seminar Practitioner seminar Industry seminar Community Events surveys Media / Publications Social networking LDD Report & further work LDD website 1:1 interviews
Why did we have an LDD? Framing the issue Generating discussions in London Understanding the needs of London in order to tackle issues Ensuring community voices are heard and taken into account Informing the development of the alcohol strategy for London
Who has joined the debate so far …. Adfam Alcohol Concern Asian Mens Support Group CareNet Central and North West NHS Foundation Trust Centre for Inter African Relations Community Action Southwark Communities Against Drug & Alcohol Abuse DAAT Derman East London Mosque Forsters Government Offices for London GLASS Home Office Hayes Town Partnership Keepout Crime Diversion scheme Kingston SPAD London Boroughs LGBT Forum field Munster Road aftercare NHS North End Policing Panel Osmani Trust Peer Outreach Team Phoenix Futures - Bromley Community Alcohol Service RPHG-L Salama Community Association Service Users Somali Focus Association WASP Youth Justice Board Young People's Substance Misuse Service, Royal Borough of Kingston
What do people think…
Immediate social impacts are the primary concern followed by health issues Teenagers and young adults are perceived as the most affected Alcohol is largely viewed as having both positive and negative effects with communities Public area drinking is seen as being the greater problem compared to private place drinking. What are seen as the issues?
Information on health and social consequences Enforcing alcohol laws Early intervention and treatment Responsibility should be with the parents primarily rather than the NHS More support is required within communities and their voices need to be heard What are seen as the solutions?
To disseminate information obtained across London To work together with areas of London to incorporate the findings in future planning Three seminar events to discuss the LDD report and LHO findings London alcohol leads Practitioners Alcohol Industry representatives High profile panel debate to discuss findings and all information obtained Final LDD report which will incorporate all areas of the LDD and its findings to be disseminated across London All information will be updated on the LDD website, if you would like keep track of the LDD for the future Feed into the overall London alcohol strategy plan for 2010/2011 LDD Future…….
The need to look at alcohol not just as a dependency problem and to look at the broader causes of drinking Engage with a larger sample size and focus on a few key issues Need to address issues with Off Licences Need to continue the debate Feedback from the Alcohol Leads…….
LDD Discussion Are there any issues/themes from Today’s sessions that you think should be included in future London Drink Debate surveys or workshops? What are your main concerns with regards to alcohol in your community? What do you think would encourage people to cut down the amount they drink? Do you think alcohol problems are more prevalent in a particular age group? How do you feel the alcohol pathways in your area work? What place do you see for you and your organisation in the London Drink Debate? What innovative practices do you know of around alcohol? How do you think we could engage with more Londoners on the topic of alcohol?
Contact Details Matthew Andrews Regional Alcohol Manager Regional Public Health Group - London 5th Floor, Riverwalk House, Milbank London, SW1P 4RR T: Web: