Hamidou Magassa / Stefan Meyer Donor Seminar “Donor harmonisation: between efficiency and democratisation” Madrid 23 November 2007 Country case study Mali Koulouba - Bamako – dougou (village) Worlds apart
Hamidou Magassa / Stefan Meyer Donor Seminar “Donor harmonisation: between efficiency and democratisation” Madrid 23 November )Context 2)Paris Process: Achievements and characteristics 3)Political economy and actors 4)Main challenges for donors in the political economy context 5)Donor options 6)Main theses for debate Case study - results
Hamidou Magassa / Stefan Meyer Donor Seminar “Donor harmonisation: between efficiency and democratisation” Madrid 23 November 2007 Test case for aid harmonization in 1999 (OECD/UNDP) - failed Aborted national process of National Development Strategy 2000 replaced by PRSP (HIPC conditionality) Some of the highest donor density in Africa Lack of data (eg. Debate on UNDP HDI) Donor presence in reform of core function of statehood: public service, financial management, decentralization Context
Hamidou Magassa / Stefan Meyer Donor Seminar “Donor harmonisation: between efficiency and democratisation” Madrid 23 November 2007 Main structures: Commision Mixte / cadre de coordination Pool technique du PTF (donor) PRSP/CSLP cellule General Budget Support Group, Sector Budget Support Group PD action plan, Secretariate de harmonisation Future structures Joint Country Assistance Strategy (SCAP) Division of labour / complimentarity Mechanism to display mutual accountability Paris Process: Achievements and characteristics
Hamidou Magassa / Stefan Meyer Donor Seminar “Donor harmonisation: between efficiency and democratisation” Madrid 23 November 2007 Parliament: weak; consensual politics; new era 2007? Cour de Comptes, Verificateur General, Civil Service Civil Society: starting to engage in overseeing public policies; uncoordinated umbrella organizations; no self- governance standards; Decentralization: political and administrative Political economy and actors
Hamidou Magassa / Stefan Meyer Donor Seminar “Donor harmonisation: between efficiency and democratisation” Madrid 23 November 2007 “The horse before the cart”: Unsequenced PRSP elaboration – before evaluation of 1st PRSP, before presidential elections in 2007 “Theatre meats bureaucracy”: Presidential aim: increase aid; parallel discourse and policy (PDES) to PRSP/CSLP; Lack of govt leadership in policy definition Extreme complexity of multi-dimensional coordination structure “Stock exchange”: Disconnection between Bamako reports and rural realities “Main entrance and backdoor”: Bypassing of budgetary and central planning structures by donors “Subversive ownership”: Donor lead in formulation, country ‘proceed’ in implementation, general rupture between formal definitions and informal practice “time horizon”: Disbursement pressure vs. Absorptive capacities Main challenges for donors
Hamidou Magassa / Stefan Meyer Donor Seminar “Donor harmonisation: between efficiency and democratisation” Madrid 23 November Political dialogue: Beyond the executive! -Involvement of donors in strengthening parliament; -Advocacy function of civil society -Strengthening decentralised bodies (admin / representation) -Joint Country Assistance Strategy (SCAP) -Deconcentration / Delegation to country offices -Definition of comparative advantage -Analytical capacities -From project-evaluation to political analysis -Linking migration with political development Donor options
Hamidou Magassa / Stefan Meyer Donor Seminar “Donor harmonisation: between efficiency and democratisation” Madrid 23 November 2007 Charismatic presidential discourse, technical donor approach and rural realities are disconnected By recruitment policies and parallel implementation units, donors distort the development of effective state institutions and a critical general public Accountability needs measurability & visibility (access to valid information) 40 years of development aid have not left behind capacities Limits of aid dependence? (3/4 of investment budget is externally funded) Main theses for debate