Workshop On European Small-Scale Accelerator Facilities Organized at Agios Nicolaos, Crete, Greece, September 7-8, 2007 Scientists from almost all European small-scale accelerator facilities both nuclear facilities and microprobes. Up to 40 participants contributed with several 30 min overview talks, min contributions and fruitful discussions. Three main areas in three sessions were covered: Nuclear Astrophysics Nuclear Structure Microprobes for various Applications Three conveners managed with those topics: S. Harissopulos, N.V. Zamfir and Ph. Moretto, respectively. For details go to web page
A very important and fruitful was the 4-th session during which various aspects of preparation to respond to calls of the forthcoming 7th Framework Program of the EU were discussed. The community organized itself for further cooperation into two networking groups concerned with: Nuclear physics and astrophysics in ENSFENSF - The European Network on Small-scale accelerator Facilities- The European Network on Small-scale accelerator Facilities led by Sotirios Harrisopulos Microprobes and their applications in SPIRITSPIRIT - Support of Public and Industrial Research Using Ion Beam Technology - Support of Public and Industrial Research Using Ion Beam Technology led by Wolfhard Moeller
Letter from W. Moeller Dear Prof. Haas, It was a real pleasure to meet you in Crete during the NUPECC meeting on small accelerator facilities. I would like to thank you and the NUPECC members very much for the support of our envisaged I3 proposal SPIRIT, by which a conflict of interest could be avoided which would have weakened our activity significantly. There were only few institutions present which were not already on the list of potential SPIRIT partners. Be sure that we will consider it equally in the further process of the configuration of the SPIRIT consortium. With kind regards Wolfhard Moeller
Activities Material science (FZD, KUL, IJS, CEA, Surrey, ITN, UPMC, RBI) Biomedicine (CNRS, UBW, Surrey) Environmental studies including cultural heritage (IJS, ETHZ) Partners providing ions from 10 KeV to 100 MeV 1.Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) 2.CNRS/IN2P3 Bordeaux (CNRS) 3.Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) 4.Institute Jozef Stefan Ljubljana (IJS) 5.Universität der Bundeswehr Munich (UBW) 6.CEA JANNUS Orsay and CIMAP Caen (CEA) 7.University of Surrey (Surrey) 8.Instituto Tecnologico e Nuclear Lisbon (ITN) 9.Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris (UPMC) 10.Ruder Boskovic Institute Zagreb (RBI) 11.Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ)
Transnational access: partners 1-7 Project: 48 months Requested funding: 10.5 M€