UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning 1 6 February 2007 UNESCO HQ, Paris 6 February 2007 UNESCO HQ, Paris UNESCO/ Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Partnership for Gender Equality UNESCO/ Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Partnership for Gender Equality
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning 2 Why ?
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning 3 The Facts 640 of the 960 million adults who cannot read are women. Women provide 70% of agricultural labour, produce over 90% of food, but are not represented in budget deliberations. Women comprise only 10 % of the world’s economy in terms of asset holding and own less than 1 % of the land and real estate. In both developed and developing countries, women are still averaging slightly less than 78% of the wages given to men for the same work, a gap that is not even closed in the most developed countries. 16,8% women in elected parliaments; ranging from 6,8% in the Arab States to 39,7 in the Nordic countries. Gender-based violence on the increase. In many countries, rape is not considered a crime, goes unpunished and continues to be used as a tool of war. Young women are 1.6 times more likely to be living with HIV than young men. Young women make up over 60% of year-olds living with HIV.
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning 4 Women don’t need charity. Women want Education and Opportunity
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning 5 Committed to making a difference…. UNESCO/ Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Partnership for Gender Equality
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning 6 How?
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning 7 Promote Women’s Leadership in all of UNESCO’s domains, globally and in different regions and countries Building on the Iguales campaign, the OBJECTIVE of the Partnership is to : This will be achieved through a dual approach: I. Mobilize & raise public awareness II. Build empowering partnerships
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning 8 Partnership has 4 components : 1. Strengthening Women’s Leadership 2. Promoters of Gender Equality (PGE). 3. Mentoring, Fellowships & Scholarships 4. Using WTA Tour tournaments, social events and conferences as awareness and fundraising platforms Partnership will adopt a phased implementation.
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning 9 1. Strengthening Women’s Leadership Strengthen national/community commitment to building women’s leadership capacities in Education and Sports; Culture & the Arts; Sciences & the Environment; Information, Communication & the Media Establish a UNESCO-WTA Tour Fund for Women’s Leadership that will support projects that effectively contribute to strengthening women’s leadership capacities and opportunities. Objective Purpose
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning Promoters of Gender Equality (PGE). The 2 to 3 Promoters, as role models & mentors for gender equality in sports and society as a whole, will globally promote, through their personal commitments and careers, equality between women and men, women’s empowerment and women’s roles and contributions to achieve equality. Purpose Coach Accompany Connect & involve Monitor impact In support, UNESCO will… 11 November 2006, Madrid, Spain Launch of the Partnership Venus Williams becomes « Promoter for Gender Equality »
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning Mentoring, Fellowships & Scholarships Support women’s individual leadership in all spheres, so they can improve their lives, as well as those of their families, communities and countries. Objective A.Provide a limited number of outstanding women with the opportunity to pursue and excel in sport-related careers such as sports journalism, medicine, physical education teaching/training, management & business administration, etc. and careers that support healthy lifestyles (fellowships for higher education) B.Provide a limited number of young women active in sports with the opportunity to pursue their education (scholarships for secondary level) Purpose
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning Awareness and fund raising platforms Using WTA Tour tournaments, social events, and conferences as platforms to raise awareness and funds in support of women’s leadership and gender equality. Purpose Build long-term commitment to women’s leadership, gender equality and the overall objectives of the Partnership among key corporate and opinion leaders. Objective
UNESCO / Sony Ericsson WTA Tour 6 February 2007 UNESCO - Section for Women and Gender Equality, Bureau of Strategic Planning 13 Thank you! WTA MEDIA CONTACT Andrew Walker, Sony Ericsson WTA Tour, , UNESCO CONTACT Saniye Gülser Corat Section for Women and Gender Equality Bureau of Strategic Planning UNESCO +33 (0)