Absolute Monarchs Philip II Elizabeth I Henry IV Louis XIV Peter the Great Frederick the Great Catherine the Great
Philip II Spain Catholic Pol: increased Hapsburg family power; made Castille (Madrid) center of Spain Soc: Supported Inquistion, put down Aragon revolt in 1590s, Golden Age: , Cervantes wrote Don Quixote Ec: great wealth from overseas trade, heavy inflation War(s): Netherlands revolt, 1567 (independence declared, 1581); naval victory over Turks in the Med. Sea, 1571; Spanish Armada defeated by English, *Turning Point
Elizabeth I England Anglican Pol: never married –”The Virgin Queen”, increased navy, balance of power Soc: Elizabethan Age, middle class “gentry” source of Tudor stability, lowest rank - “yeomen” Ec: English “sea dogs” raided Spanish ships; heavy debt War: Spanish Armada defeated, 1588
Henry IV (Bourbon dynasty) France Protestant-con. To Catholicism Pol: “Paris is worth a Mass”, Assassinated 1610; Cardinal RICHELIEU real power in France, Soc: Edict of Nantes (1598)-protected Huguenots (Prot.); intendants were middle class govt. officials Ec: improved economy War(s): 30 Years War ( ) – R. joined with Protestant side to defeat Spanish & Austrian Hapsburgs in the German states
Louis XIV France Catholic Pol: Longest reign, Sun King, “I am the state” Soc: Versailles, Repealed Nantes Edict (1685) Ec: tax burden on the poor, projects & wars left France in near ec. Ruin War(s): Fronde rebellion ( ), War of Spanish Succession ( ) – lost to Britain & allies
Peter the Great Russia Eastern Orthodox Pol: built St. Petersburg, settlements in Siberia, Alaska; made R. a European power; goal was to modernize and westernize Soc: Turned R. to the west, church under his rule, serfs have little freedom Ec: reforms had limited success, beard tax War(s): defeated Sweden (1721) & gained access to Baltic Sea; failed to win Black Sea port from Turks
Frederick the Great Prussia Lutheran Pol: attacked Maria Theresa’s Austria, P. becomes European power Soc: military glorified, Junkers (nobles) with great power Ec: retained territory of Silesia War(s): War of the Austrian Succession (1748), Seven Years War ( )
Catherine the Great Russia Eastern Orthodox Pol: Seized throne from weak husband, took Black Sea port (Crimea peninsula), helped carve up Poland Soc: influenced by enlightenment thought Ec: plight of serfs actually worsened War(s): crushed revolts, defeated Turks to gain warm –water port