Lesson 3 Virtual Reality 张玲娥. What is virtual reality ? The use of computers to make situations feel and look real. Task 1 Warm up.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 3 Virtual Reality 张玲娥

What is virtual reality ? The use of computers to make situations feel and look real. Task 1 Warm up

headsets, glass and special gloves and suits equipped with sensors the user can directly interact with a 3D (dimension) computer programme by moving ‘inside’ it.

 virtual reality holidays  learning to fly using virtual reality technology  playing virtual reality computer games  visiting virtual museums on the Internet Which of these uses for virtual reality are possible now?

Learning to fly using virtual reality simulator.

Visiting virtual museums on the Internet.

Would you like to visit the Science Museum website? Why or why not? Would you like to go to a virtual university? read the dialogue others’ opinions

Ok, you will find lots of good information at home, and needn’t spend time traveling there. Wonderful, study in such a world- famous university without going out of your room.

什么是虚拟现实技术呢?简单地说, 就是人们利用计算机生成一个逼真的三 维虚拟环境, 通过自然技能使用传感设 备与之相互作用的新技术。它与传统的 模拟技术完全不同, 是将模拟环境、视 景系统和仿真系统合三为一, 并利用头 盔显示器、图形眼镜、数据服、立体声

耳机、数据手套及脚踏板等传感装置, 把操作者与计算机生成的三维虚拟环 境连结在一起。操作者通过传感器装 置与虚 拟环境交互作用, 可获得视觉、 听觉、触觉等多种感知, 并按照自己的 意愿去改变 “ 不随心 ” 的虚拟环境。

比如, 计算机虚拟的环境是一座楼 房, 内有各种设备、物品,操作者会如 同身临其境一样, 可以通过各种传感装 置在屋内行走查 看、开门关门、搬动 物品 ; 对房屋设计上的不满意之处, 还 可随意改动 。

Task 2 Reading

Read the dialogue and answer the questions. 1. Why can’t Cathy go out this weekend? She has to finish her project. 2. Where is Tom planning to go? He’ll go camping if the weather is good.

3. Does Cathy have a programme for ‘virtual’ holidays on her computer? No. 4. Does she really think she will have the chance to go a world tour? No.

5. What would Tom like to do with virtual reality? He would like to go to a world famous university. 6. Why is Cathy so excited about the technology? Because she thought she would be able to go anywhere she liked.

Correct mistakes 1. What are you going to do at this weekend. 2. I have too many things to be done. 3. We won’t go to go camping if it will. rain. 4. If they invent virtual reality holidays, I’d go on an around-the-world tour. invented s

5. Do you have anything plan for Saturday and Sunday. 6. Tom imagines himself go to a famous university. 7. Personal I’m interested in virtual university. planed Personally going

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a virtual university? Would you like to go to such a university? Why? Voice your opinion

No limit to time and place It is convenient to attend save transportation time needn’t buy text material take your job as study Advantages of a virtual university

Lack face-to-face communication No real experience of going to college Can’t go to a virtual university without special equipments Disadvantages of a virtual university

Language points 1. what’s …up to 口语中问对方在做什么 You look worried, what have you been up to? 你看上去很担心的样子, 怎么了 ? My brother locked himself in his room for a whole morning. What is he up to? 弟 弟整个上午把自己关在房间, 他在干什么 ?

2. suggest 建议, 后接宾语从句 ( 虚拟语 气 ) 或动名词短语。 I suggest that you (should ) check the information before you sign your name. 我建议你在签字之前检查一下所列信 息。

Catherine suggests asking her dad for his opinion. 凯瑟琳建议征询她爸爸的建议。 暗示, 表明 ( 真实语气 ) The look on his face suggested he was angry. 他脸上的表情表明他生气了。

3. But I still find it hard to imagine. It 是形式宾语, hard 为宾语补足语, to imagine 为真正的宾语。 Children find it hard to concentrate. 孩子们发觉很难集中精力 I find it a great pleasure to meet you here. 在这里遇见你真令人愉快。

I thought it best to wait for him. 我认为最好等他。 I found it not easy to get on with Jim. 我发现和吉姆相处不容易。

Read the sentences and decide what the people are expressing. a) Unrealistic hopes for he future b) Plans for the future c) Something that isn’t possible now

If we had virtual reality holidays, we wouldn’t have any problems with the weather. If they invented virtual reality holidays, I’d go on an around-the-tour. c) Something that isn’t possible now

1. If I had the money, I would buy a new IBM computer. a) a student b) a millionaire 2. If I felt ill, I would stop smoking. a) a smoker b) a non-smoker 3. If I were a teacher, I would be popular with my students. a) a teacher b) a journalist a) a student b) a journalist b) a non-smoker Who would say these things, a or b?

If I _____(win) the lottery of 1 million pound, I __________(buy) an expensive car. won would buy Complete the sentences below.

If I ____(have) a lot of money, I ________ (buy) a villa( 别墅 ). hadwould buy

If I______(be) a bird, I __________ (travel) around the world. were would travel

If I _________ (learn) how to swim, had learnt I _________________________(not trap) on this island. would not have been trapped

Language in Use Write about your ideal future. Think about your home, job, partner, family, etc. Write conditional sentences to explain why you would like this kind of life.

Homework Write about your ideal future. Think about your home, job. Partner, family, etc. Write conditional sentences to explain why you would like this kind of life.