© M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Agenda 9.00 am: Welcome, Prayer, Purpose 9.15 am: Synod Update 9.30am: How we will work together today 9.45am: Designing a process to guide the next consultation phase: - deconstructing the narratives - developing the questions 11.00am MORNING TEA 11.20am: Testing and refining the process 12.00pm : Our approach…. “walking with!” - project template to capture observations 12.40pm: Illustrating and elucidating the messages - follow- up resource support 12.55pm Where to from here? 1.00pm CLOSE © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Where are we up to in the Synod Process? Nov 2010 – Consultation and data gathering April 2011 (over 4000 responses) 3 & 4 June – Synod Gathering (over 100 people) 20 August- Working Party finalised Synod Statements. © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
3 Synod Statements have been finalised.. “we now turn our attention to looking at places, groups, program etc in the Diocese where the Synod statements are already being realized.” To discern the key factors that will enable the realization of the statements. Next consultation phase of the Synod…. © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
What will be outcome? “At the conclusion of the Synod, the statements and our analysis should provide Bishop David with both the people’s vision for the future of the Diocese and some information about the environment and factors which need to be in place in order to work towards that vision.” To inform future planning at: diocesan, agency, parish personal level. © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Purpose of Today Clarify the role of the Project Team: individually and collectively Develop a shared understanding of the research framework Develop a process to support this next consultation phase by: looking at a variety of examples of where the statements (or part thereof) are already a reality determining the ‘questions’ to support a process of ‘accompaniment.’ © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Integrating Faith and Life Reaching Out Engaging and Participating GO MAKE DISCIP LES CURIA CLERGY PARISH © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Loving Creator Enfold us in your light and love Make us receptive to your wisdom and your inspiration Guide us in everything we think, say and do. Help us to listen and discern. May your light and love radiate from our beings, So that each of us may share fully in your Wisdom. Amen Integrating Faith and Life Engaging and Participating Reaching Out Leadership Communication Catholic identity Being in and of the world Relevance Leadership in ministry ‘Catholic voice’ Moving forward Future oriented Transformation etc Belonging and contributing to the community of baptized Growth and nourishment of individuals and community in faith and action Leadership etc Go Make Disciples” Reaching out and welcoming in, within and outside the community: Stewardship Ecological sustainability Social Justice Action for justice Living the Gospel etc SYNOD STATEMENT SYNOD STATEMENT © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Integrating Faith and Life We, the people of the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, strive to live as a communion whose mission is both to deepen its faith in Jesus Christ, and to live and proclaim God’s message of transformation and hope in changing and challenging times. © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Engaging and Participating We, the people of the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, strive to live as a communion of vibrant eucharistic communities, seeking to welcome the giftedness and value of each person as we journey and grow in our Christian discipleship, and as we contribute to building the unity of the Body of Christ. © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Reaching Out We, the people of the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, sharing in the Mission of Christ, strive to reach out to all. We are called to give generously: serving those in need; seeking peace and justice; caring for creation and boldly proclaiming Christ present in the world. © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
How will we work together Discernment Accompaniment © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
6 Principles of Discernment Gather good data Let your heart educate your mind. Have a soft heart but a hard head. Keep all possible options open Lay aside all biases and blocks Maintain a community and climate of prayer and contemplation. “Discernment” by Peter J. Kreeft Professor of Philosophy Boston College © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
be present, be open, listen & hear reflect and contemplate share the fruits of your contemplation question to seek clarification engage your imagination suspend judgment Working together requires us to…… © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
No one has a monopoly on the Spirit No one has all the wisdom Everyone has a different piece Everyone has some of the wisdom Mary McKinney OSB “Sharing Wisdom” © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Diocesan Mission What?How? Synod Statement or element of Statement. Key Principles © Mary Leahy Integroe Partners © Mary Leahy Integroe Partners © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Mary Mac’s Place De -constructing the Narrative: WHY; WHAT; WHO; HOW What does the project overview tell us? What questions does it raise? What has enabled the project? How has it been sustained? © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Project (description) Why? (reason for the initiative) How? (practices, processes, approaches, strategies) What… The Journey? (steps along the way?) Who? (individuals/ groups) Mary Mac’s Place © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Deriving questions: To guide your observations: See, hear, sense/feel To evoke responses To dig a bit deeper © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
DiscernmentAccompaniment be present, be open, listen & hear reflect and contemplate share the fruits of your contemplation question to seek clarification engage your imagination suspend judgment Walking with. Listening to Empathising with one’s story Evoking a response Enhancing self worth and wellbeing The Emmaus story of a resurrected Jesus walking with friends, Luke 24:13-35, places accompaniment, including the leadership context, in a positive inter- relationship. Adapted from “Ignatian Spirituality. Com” © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
What personal strengths will you draw on? What will you find challenging? © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Project Planning 1. Preparing 2. “Walking with” 3. Discerning © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Illustrating the key messages Natalie © M. Leahy Integroe Partners
Where to from here? © M. Leahy Integroe Partners