Goal: To be able to describe the room of your dreams in Spanish. Activities: Entrada: ¿Cuáles son las cosas más importantes en tu vida que tu dormitorio refleja? Slide show – para inspirar… Deseña el dormitorio perfecto (draw it out on paper) ¡Los colores son importantes! (Vamos a leer y colorear) Escribe un párrafo describiendo tu dormitorio en español Entrégalo….Turn it in! Success Criteria: I could describe my ideal room in Spanish I could explain my color choices in Spanish
Goal: To be able to describe the room of your dreams in Spanish. Activities: Your drawing (worth 5 pts) should include these items (and may include many more of your choice): (Worth 6 pts) 1. La cama 2. La lámpara 3. El armario o la cómoda 4. La alfombra 5. La mesita o el estante 6. El cuadro You must have 2 colors (at least) and explain your choice of colors in the paragraph in Spanish (worth 4 pts) Your paragraph (worth 5 pts) must list the furniture in your room in Spanish, the colors and why, the placement of furniture in your room (We’ll sing the Addam’s Family)TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE - 20 pts Success Criteria: I could describe my ideal room in Spanish I could explain my color choices in Spanish