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How to Prepare the Literature Cited "References" Journal Abbreviations. Journal of American Chemical Society J. Amer. Chem. Soc. “ology” abbreviated at the “l” Bacteriology Bacteriol. One-word titles (Science, Nature, etc.) are never abbreviated.
General Rules: More than two authors (et al.). Accepted references but not published, “in press”. Submitted references but not yet accepted “unpublished observations”. More than one paper for the same author in the same year, we add a letter a, b or c to the year. Example: 1999a, 1999b. The references are arranged alphabetically according to the family name of the author (Harvard).
Types of references: Journals. Books. Agency publications. Newspaper article. Magazine article. Thesis. Internet.
How to write a reference? Text-book Text-book A) Personal Author: Author. Book title. Edition (if not the first edition), reprint of relevant City: Publishers` name in full, year; pages (Vancouver). Example:. Example: Murray, J.W. Ecology of benthic Foraminifera. London: Longman Group UK Limited, 1991, 270 p.
Text-book How to write a reference? Text-book Author, ed. Book title. Edition (if not the first edition), reprint of relevant City: Publishers` name in full, year; pages. Example Example Rhodes, A. and Saito, C., eds. Textbook of Petrology. 5 th ed., Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1968, 330p. B) Editor as Author:
Text-book.. In: (eds.),. :, year; pages. Text-book C) Chapter in Book: Chapter author. Title of Chapter. In: Editor names (eds.), Book title. Edition (if not the first), reprint of relevant City: Publisher's name in full, year; pages. Example: Example: Harper, J. Genetics and Genodermatoses. In: Rook, A.; Wilkinson, D.; and Ebling, F. (eds.) Textbook of Dermatology. Six th edition. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1998: 357.
2- A journal: 2- A journal: Standard Journal Article Author’s name. Full title of article. Name of journal, year; volume: number, first page- last page. Example: Example: Liu, C. Evolutionary radiation of planktic foraminifera. J. Foram. Res., 1992, 22:(2),
2- A journal: 2- A journal: Author not Known We place the term Anonymous instead of the name of the authors. Anonymous. Full title of article. Name of journal, year; volume (number): pages. Example:. 1976; : Example: Anonymous. Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Cush. Cont. Foram. Res., 1976; 5:
3- A Thesis: 3- A Thesis: Candidate’s name. Title of the thesis. Ph.D or M.S. Thesis. Name of the University, Name of the faculty, year: pages. Example: Barakat, B. Histological changes in the liver and kidney of rabbits after the intake of heavy metals. M.S. Thesis. Alexandria University, Faculty of Science, 1987: (or 212p.)
4- Internet: 4- Internet: Author’s name. Title of the article. Web name. Time. Date.