Rose Simkins Chief Executive
Background to Stop Hate UK Established in 1995 A registered charity, Company Limited by Guarantee and Social Enterprise Our Vision is: Raising awareness and understanding of Discrimination and Hate Crime, encouraging its reporting, and supporting the individuals and communities it affects PATRON: DOREEN LAWRENCE OBE
Reporting The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Recommendation 16 The ability to report at locations other than police stations The ability to report 24 hours a day
2009/2010 and 2010/11 British Crime Survey Suggests that 260,000 Hate Crimes per year –136,000 race –65,000 disability –50,000 sexual orientation –39,000 religion Not directly comparable but suggests – less than 18% recorded – less than 38% of reported
Impact Greater emotional impact – 92-86% Emotionally affected – Anger (67-60%) – Fear (39-14%) – Anxiety/panic attacks (23-6%) – Depression (20-6%)
Barriers to Reporting There are many reasons why people may choose not to report Hate Crime: FearIsolationAccess ConfidenceMistrustNormalised
How to report?
Independent Reporting Emotional support Practical Support Explore options and rights Evidence building Partnership working Confidential Accessible Anonymous reporting and choice for victims
Both 24 hours Telephone Text Relay Web ChatOnline Form SMSPost
Stop Hate UK operates the Stop Hate Line in: Bedfordshire Bracknell Forest Buckinghamshire (except Milton Keynes) Calderdale Derbyshire Leeds Lincolnshire Liverpool, London Borough of Harrow, Hackney, Merton, Richmond, Southwark, Sutton and Wandsworth Royal Borough of Greenwich Mersey Travel Nottinghamshire Oldham Oxfordshire Slough St Helens Wakefield Walsall West Midlands Passenger Transport Network (Centro) Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Wirral Wokingham
What We Do Develop promotional materials in accessible formats: –over 45 community languages, Braille, large print, words into pictures, BSL DVD, audio –Specific materials for Sexual Orientation, Mental Health Hate Crime and Religious Hate Crime Promote good practice Use strong branding Provide monitoring information on activity through the Stop Hate Line