I chose a high school chemistry teacher, because Mrs. Moore is amazing.
A bachelor’s degree in chemistry is required, so to complete this you must have a very through grasp of Algebra, and geometry. In higher levels of chemistry, other than high school chemistry, more advanced mathematics are required.
Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry education 1 semester of student teaching Certification to teach in high school (also called a single subject certification) In some states, in private schools, you may not be required to be licensed. In all public schools, however, you must be licensed.
The average is around $64,000, a year. The lowest reported salary is at $32,700, a year. The highest reported is at a staggering $418,565, per year. The REALLY high salary was for a reason apparently. The teacher was hired by an attorney, for some odd reason, for two years. I couldn’t find out why. Other than that odd one the salary caps out at $107,000,a year. This teacher works at a private school in Redwood City CA.
The nice thing about being a teacher (besides having summer off),is that if you can get a job at a nearby school, you can live pretty much where ever you feel like. Commutes from locales that are distant from your place of employment could be bothersome, so try to live close, but not in the same school district.
Being a teacher means that you would have to educate students in the subject you are teaching, and in this case that would be chemistry. You must be there to help struggling students & challenge the students that excel. You must spend your personal time trying to do things such as grade tests, projects, and their ilk. I could continue, but seeing as how, you, Mrs. Slaughter are grading this, I am sure that you could make a book based on this topic, however I only have one slide, so I must wrap this topic up.
Education Portal. "Chemistry Teacher: Job Info and Requirements for Becoming a High School Chemistry Teacher." Degrees, Schools, Online Courses and Careers - Over 20,000 Articles. education portal, 2 June Web. 2 June Ellis, Arthur B., Margret J. Geselbracht, Brian J. Johnson, George C. Lisensky, and William R. Robinson. Teaching General Chemistry: A Materials Science Companion (American Chemical Society Publication). New York: An American Chemical Society Publication, Print. Pre-Medical Society. " Google Image Result for Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 June europa. "EUROPA - European Commission - Homepage." EUROPA - European Commission - Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 June jobssalary.com. "High School Chemistry Teacher Salary." Real Salary Data : Jobs- Salary.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 June news-libraries.mit. "money." money pic. news-libaries.mit, n.d. Web. 2 June MLA formatting by BibMe.org.