Today we will… Outline how to keep a record of where my information has been collected from for my project.
Success Criteria I can demonstrate how to produce a bibliography
REFERENCING SKILLS As you gather information for your project you must keep a record of where the information has been collected from. This is called referencing. At the end of your project you must include a Bibliography. This is a list of where your information has come. It will be easier to create your bibliography if you keep an accurate note of the sources you use.
Copy: In order to create an accurate bibliography you must record the following information for every source you use: Author: Put the persons last name first Title: This should be underlined Publisher: The company who printed/produced the source Date: The date and/or year the source was printed in.
Each different type of research method is recorded in a slightly different way. Provided on the next slide is an example bibliography created by a student. It shows how each research method should be listed.
BIBLIOGRAPHY RESEARCH METHOD SOURCES OF INFORMATION BOOK Author (last name first). Title of the book. City: Publisher, Date of publication. E.G. McTaggart, (John). Social Issues in the United Kingdom National 4 National Media, 2012 NEWSPAPER Author (last name first), "Article Title." Name of newspaper, Place of publication. (date): edition if available, section, page number(s). E.G. Lamb (Christina), The Battle For America, The Sunday Times, Scotland , pages DOCUMENTARY Title, Distributor(Maker), Year. E.G. The Batman Shootings, BBC, August 2012 A PERSON Full name (last name first). Occupation. Date of interview E.G. Burns (Harry). Chief Medical Officer For Scotland INTERNET URL (Uniform Resource Locator or WWW address). Author (or item's name, if mentioned), date. E.G. Mardell(Mark), http://
As you complete your research it may be useful to think about how good the source was for your project, perhaps using traffic light colours!!! BOOK NEWSPAPER
Was I successful? I can demonstrate how to produce a bibliography