The Opportunities and Alternatives on Metatheory Researches The Opportunities and Alternatives on Metatheory Researches Csaba Varga sociologist, metaphilosopher Associate Academic Professor President of the Institute for Strategic Research (ISR), Budapest 2009
The different terms used in Metatheory Researches Metatheory Metatheory Metaphilosophy Metaphilosophy Unified Theory Unified Theory Everything Theory Everything Theory Unified Physics Theory Unified Physics Theory Unified Social Theory Unified Social Theory Unified Consciousness Theory Unified Consciousness Theory Etc., Etc.,
Hungarian Metatheory Workshop The Metatheory Research Group in Hungary evolved within the frame of the Institute for Strategic Research (ISR) in , which currently consist of almost 40 Hungarian researchers As a result of a preparational consultation (2005), and two World Conferences (2006, 2008) almost 30 researchers of countries latched on to metatheory researches A New Institute called Institute for Paradigm Researches was founded by the Institute for Strategic Researches, which is dealing as its name suggests with new paradigms, and with the current change or shift in paradigms in order to create a Metatheory
Proposed New Metatheory Conferences ( ) (according to chronology) Proposed New Metatheory Conferences ( ) (according to chronology) New Paradigms, International Conference, Sopron (Hungary), 29-30th of May 2010 Metatheory World Conference (Research Across Boundaries: Advances in Theory- building), Luxemburg,16-19th of June 2010 Unified Theory World Conference (Sweedish- Hungarian Conference), Stockholm, 2-5th of September (or October) 2010 The New World Programme Conference, 2011 (it does not have an exact date and place yet)
The expected results of Metatheory Researches ( ) The writing of the book called New World Theory and its first publication, first draft (Stockholm, 2-5th of Sept. 2010) Unified Physics Theory (or in a broader sense Theory of Natural Sciences) – New versions – Unified New Social Theory, first drafts (meta-ontology) –
The expected results of Metatheory Researches ( ) Unified Science-Theology Theory, first drafts– 2010-? Unified Consciousness Theory, first drafts (integrated personal and collective consciousness-theory) – 2010-? Unified Physics-Metaphysics Theory, new drafts – 2010-? Unified, new, complex Cognitive Theory – 2010-? Etc.
The expected practical results of Metatheory Researches ( ) 1. The strategy of meta-civilization and meta- culture will be ready, first draft A New Programme and Strategy of the civilization–culture on Earth, Continental, and/or national, and/or local unified strategies ( ) The implementation of New type of State and Democracy Theories (participatory, direct, sacral, etc. democracy modells) ( )
The expected practical results of Metatheory researches ( ) 2. Integrated, new ecological World Programme (New alternatives on saving the Planet Earth) – 2010-? (New alternatives on saving the Planet Earth) – 2010-? A programme for achieving a higher level of consciousness of humankind – 2010-? Knowledge- and Consciousness centered Development Strategies of cities and regions – 2002-? (The programme of the first future city is already worked out, it is called Paradise of Zselic)
The expected practical results of Metatheory Researches ( ) 3. The elaboration of Hungarian and International Research and Development projects was set in motion, this is to say we would like to utilize the results of Metatheory researches For Example: a, The quantum-computer project according to the unified physics-conscious theory; a, The quantum-computer project according to the unified physics-conscious theory; b, The participatory democracy development project in several Hungarian cities ( see the Modell of Aba) b, The participatory democracy development project in several Hungarian cities ( see the Modell of Aba) c) etc. c) etc.
The current tasks, questions of management of Metatheory- creation (1) Do we need some kind of international organisation? World Conference on Unified Theories II. (May, 2008, Budapest) The set up of an international scientific association was recommended The set up of an international scientific association was recommended How should the University- and Research Institutes dealing with Metatheory cooperate with each other within a frame of a global network? There is even more university, college participating in Metatheory researches, so it would be reasonable to create some kind of network-based cooperation
The current tasks, questions of management of Metatheory- creation (2) Do we need regular video conferences? A The World Conference in Stockholm will be already preceded by 3 to 4 video conferences between the period October 2009 and August Which kind of books, journals, virtual (web) publications should be published? In Hungary a book series was already initiated right now only in Hungarian called Metatheory Books
The current tasks, questions of management of Metatheory- creation (3) The current tasks, questions of management of Metatheory- creation (3) Do we need more, common multilingual metatheoretical webpages? In Hungary there is two of them( in Hungarian and partly in English Do we need some kind of common financial tool? In Hungary we do not have this kind of financial tool
How to deepen the cooperation? There is a recommendation suggesting to invite all of the important Metatheory researchers from all corners of the world for few days in November or December 2009, (it means 6-8 scientists, plus 2-3 Hungarian one) The majority of the invited scholars could have a significant role in the writing and editing of the book New World Theory The meeting would take place in Budapest, the Buda castle, where there would be appropriate place for discussion and accomodation as well, and we would use English-Hungarian translators The most important question is whether the most important scholars are willing to come for these few days and how could we solve the financial part of the event?
Thank you for your attention! Csaba Varga (Hungary) Csaba Varga (Hungary) addresses: addresses: Webpages: