New York State Department of Health HANYS’ Nursing Home Emergency Preparedness Webconference July 18, 2007
415.26(f) Disaster and Emergency Preparedness. (1) The nursing home shall have a written plan, updated at least twice a year, with procedures to be followed for the proper care of residents and personnel, and for the reception and treatment of mass casualty victims, in the event of an internal or external emergency resulting from natural or man- made causes including but not limited to earthquake, severe weather, flood, bomb threat, chemical spills, strike, interruption of utility services, nuclear accidents, fire or similar occurrences.
Health Provider Network HPN
HAN & the Communications Directory are the official NYSDOH directory & alerting system for emergencies
Current Concerns Emergency office contacts (anytime) not complete Contact persons unassigned: Designated Pharmacist Director, Patient & Family Services Medical Director Nursing Home Data Reporter Director, Safety & Security Plant Manager Contact persons (assigned) do not consistently have HPN accounts
HEALTH NOTIFICATIONS originate from a variety of sources, including: New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYCDOHMH) New York State Office of Homeland Security (NYSOHS) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
HAN Health Notification Viewer SOURCE AUDIENCE TYPE DESCRIPTION DATE POSTED DOCUMENT CREATED DATE RECIPIENTS NYSDOH, ALL USERS E. coli Outbreak Linked to Fresh Spinach: Update #1 Sep 19, 2006 Recipients CDCALL USERSBotulism Toxin Type A associated with bottled carrot juice in FLA and GA Sep 29, 2006 Recipients Click RECIPIENTS: LHD Commissioners/Directors| NYS| All Hospital CEOs| NYS| All Hospital ICPs| NYS| LHD Dir of Disease Control| NYS| All Hospital ED Directors| NYS| LHD CD Investigative Staff| NYS| Epi Informational List| NYS| Hospital Food Prep| NYS| Hospital Food Directors| NYS| Hospital Risk Management| NYS| LTCF Food Service Directors| NYS| Adult Homes Administrator| NYS| Adult Homes Food Service| NYS| Adult Homes HPN Coordinators| NYS| LTCF Administrators| NYS| LTCF Directors of Nursing| NYS| LTCF Medical Directors| NYS| LTCF ICP| NYS Click DESRIPTION: Detailed description of alert
Critical Asset Survey Will be revised in fall of 2007 Attributes Pharmaceuticals Staffing Generator Other
Communications Directory Drills Schedule to be announced Roles to be contacted: oAdministrator oDesignated Pharmacist oDirector, Nursing oDirector, Patient & Family Services oDirector, Safety/Security oPlant Manager oEmergency Response Coordinator oHPN Coordinator oHPN Organizational Security Coordinator oInfection Control Practitioner oMedical Director oCHRC AP o24 hour contact [found in Emergency Contacts (Any Time)]
Nursing Home Surveillance and Reporting System (NUSUR) 09/25/ :27 PM Critical Asset Survey 2007 Evacuation Transportation Survey 06/01/ :44 PM 2007 Evacuation Transportation2007 Evacuation Transportation 06/14/ :44 PM UPDATE on Mutual Aid PlansUPDATE on Mutual Aid Plans Discharge Planning Survey 06/18/ :17 PM Discharge Planning SurveyDischarge Planning Survey
What the completed survey report will show: oRegional office oFacility name oFacility location (City/town) oType of facility & ID number oDate submitted oTime submitted
Next Steps Analysis of data collected Reports to Regional Offices Distribution to planning partners as appropriate (e.g., OEMs, LHDs) ? Steps for outreach to facilities that did not submit data
Pandemic Flu CDC has issued a document entitled “Long-Term Care and Other Residential Facilities Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist” klist.html klist.html Identifies key areas for facility planning Much of this has already been accomplished by nursing homes through current infection control planning and implementation
Pandemic Influenza planning Establish a committee Develop a plan Educate staff, residents & family members Have a plan for surveillance & detection Establish written protocols/plan to address staff absences Develop vaccine & antiviral plan Address issues related to surge capacity
Surge Capacity Addresses both capacity & capability Ties in with Critical Assets Survey A template is currently in development Target date for template completion is September 2007
Regulatory barriers to emergency planning and response LTC Associations have submitted suggested modifications Will be compiled for NYSDOH review and discussion
Go online and retrieve & complete survey Address areas in need of improvement Store for future reference Suggestions:
Thoughts: Decide where you are in this process Think of this as one aspect of emergency preparedness Have you made contact with local, regional, state, or other planning partners? What assistance do you need? Who (what organization) could help?
Katharine Logan Health Emergency Preparedness Program NYSDOH Non-acute Care Hedley Park Place 433 River Street Troy, NY Phone: