Connotation game “Once upon a time” Pupils write down as many word associations as they can think of…MWB
PLTS: Creative thinker Independent enquirer Once upon a time L/O 1. Develop our critical response to the written word. 2. Show empathy for the speaker in a poem Creative response Empathy
or or Creative thinkers… generate ideas and explore possibilities ask questions to extend their thinking connect own and others’ ideas and experiences in inventive ways question own and others’ assumptions try out alternatives or new solutions and follow ideas through adapt ideas as circumstances change Independent enquirers… • identify questions to answer and problems to resolve • explore issues, events or problems from different perspectives • analyse and evaluate information, judging its relevance and value • consider the influence of circumstances, beliefs and feelings on decisions and events • support conclusions, using reasoned arguments and evidence Hand out to each pupil to fill in Teacher PM target-embed PLTS in every lesson-return to this during EVERY lesson on the poem
Two questions to think about… Is it better to be kind or truthful? What’s the difference? Have you ever considered yourself to be two-faced?
Once Upon a Time Gabriel Okara Once upon a time, son, They used to laugh with their hearts And laugh with their eyes: But now they only laugh with their teeth, Search behind my shadow. There was a time indeed They used to shake hands with their hearts: But that’s gone, son. Now they shake hands without hearts While they left hands search My empty pockets. ‘Feel at home’! ‘Come again’: They say, and when I come Again and feel At home, once, twice, There will be no thrice – For then I fond doors shut on me. So I have learned many things, son. I have learned to wear many faces Like dresses – homeface, Officeface, streetface, hostface, Cocktailface, with all their conforming smiles Like a fixed portrait smile. And I have learned too To laugh with only my teeth And shake hands without my heart. I have also learned to say, ‘goodbye’, When I mean ‘Good-riddance’: To say ‘Glad to meet you’, Without being glad; and to say ‘It’s been Nice talking to you’, after being bored. But believe me, son. I want to be what I used to be When I was like you. I want To unlearn all these muting things. Most of all, I want to relearn How to laugh, for my laugh in the mirror Shows only my teeth like a snake’s bare Fangs! So show me, son, How to laugh; show me how I used to laugh and smile Once upon a time when I was like you. Gabriel Okara Ha
Poetry explosion:10 minutes 5 Ws and a H Who is the poem about? What happens in the poem? Where is it set? When is it set? Why do you think Gabriel Okara wrote the poem? How does the poem make you feel? Stand up,share then choose a friend to share one of their points
Storyboard the main images in the poem: What is the story? Written, then verbal feedback-no hands up
Plenary: Compare notes Share with a partner Have you met the L/O? Set yourself a realistic target for next can you challenge yourself?
PLTS: Creative thinker Independent enquirer Once upon a time L/O 1. Develop a critical and then creative response to the written word. 2. Show empathy for the speaker in a poem(TODAY) Creative response Empathy
Starter: On your MWB What is the poet’s message? What is empathy? How can we empathise with the speaker? Boy in my shoes!
Analysing a poem Structure Meaning Imagery Language Effect on reader Spend 3 minutes adding notes to each piece of sugar paper. Jigsaw task…3 minutes at each station- Expert from each group to feed back. Differentiate by grouping- mixed ability
Smile help! Structure: length of the verse. Mood / Tone: the mood of the poem and emotions developed. Imagery / Ideas: similes, metaphors, personification, enjambment, pathetic fallacy. Language: rhythm / rhyme, repetition, rhetorical questions, alliteration, onomatopoeia, enjambment, oxymoron Effect: the effect on the reader-thoughts and feelings Differentiation..if they need it come and ask quietly for help
Plenary 1.Develop a critical response to a poem 2.Show empathy with the speaker 3.Develop a creative response to the written word Have you met L/O 1 and 2? WWW? EBI? p- progress check- RAG
L/O 1.Develop a critical response to a poem 2.Show empathy with the speaker 3.Develop a creative response to the written word (TODAY) Progress check+PLTS
Starter: Write as many synonyms as you can for: Polite Mean Rude Nice
PLTS: Creative thinker Independent enquirer Once upon a time L/O: Develop a creative response to the written word (TODAY) Creative response
How can we be successful as creative writers? Create a checklist of success criteria in pairs on your MWB. Use your APP sheet to help you Pupils work in pairs, MWB- characteristics of excellent writing. T collate responses and write on board. Pupils copy down.
Creative writing Could you use your favourite line as inspiration for a piece of narrative writing? Could you use the speaker in this poem as a main character in a story? Discuss with your partner.
Taking inspiration from the poem Choose your favourite line from the poem. Why do you like it?
Create a mind map of ideas Plan independently. You need to be ready to write your story next lesson…enjoy!
Develop a critical and then creative response to the written word. 2. Show empathy for the speaker in a poem Review your PLTS sheet Revisit plts…what have they used?