Classification of Heat Exchangers P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department I I T Delhi Creation of Variety in Anatomy of Heat Exchanger!!!
Time /Space Sharing
Real Need : Cool or heat a Fluid Auxiliaries : Solid Surface & Another fluid (plentiful) Essential : Some source of Energy (Motive Power) More Green Methods….. Traditional Egyptian architecture in Ancient Egypt as demonstrated on the Pharonic house of Neb- Ammun, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c.1300 BC. Persian: بادگیر bâdgir: bâd "wind" + gir "catcher“ Arabic: ملقف malqaf Eastern Arabia:بارجيل barjeel
Windcatcher (Bagdir)
Degree of Greenness
Geometrical Ideas for Classification
Relative Direction of Flows Scalar HX to Vector Hx
Economy of Metal Usage
didi dodo DiDi Geometrical Modifications for Better Economy
Expenditure in A Heat Exchanger The capital investment on Heat exchanger material is proportional to double the Heat transfer Area. Investment on both cold side and hot side of a heat exchanger for a given surface area of heat exchanger. Another expenditure is running cost or operational cost. Main operation cost is pumping power cost. This again increases the size of the pump and capital cost. This arises a question of inner and outer flow pressure drop calculations and a suitable innovation for the same. Engineering world is like an incandescent lamp.
Two inner tubes and one outer tube
Differential Element Analysis dz
Heat lost by hot fluid: