Mariah Keeps Cool By Mildred Pitts Walter Strategy Focus After you read the title and introduction. What do you INFER about Mariah? How do you PREDICT her plans will turn out?
USING INFERRING BEFORE READING DURING READING AFTER READING What can I infer from the cover of the book? How do I know? (Use your prior knowledge and the clues from the book) I think . . . I know . . . because . . . What questions do I have before reading? (Watch to see if you infer answers.) Can I infer what the theme might be? What clues do I have so far from the cover, back, firstpage, and illustrations? What can I infer or figure out so far? What have I inferred using the text and illustrations? My questions that needed inferring are . . . Fiction I think that the main character is thinking or feeling . . . I know this because of • my experiences . . . • the text clues . . . I infer the character _______ because __________ My experiences Text clues I also infer that the theme is . . . because . . . My Experience Text Clues Nonfiction What have I inferred so far? What clues from the text and my experiences helped me? What kinds of comparisons can I make as I infer? _____ is like _____ because . . . What are the causes and effects of . . .? the text and illustrations and my own knowledge? to answer are . . . Here’s how I figured out the answers using clues from the text and my head . . . The author didn’t say_______ but I knew _____because ________. I think the main character is a _____ person because _____. My experiences . . . The text clues . . . I infer that the theme is _____ because _____. My experiences . . . Text Clues . . . did I infer? _____ is like_____. the main causes of _____ are _________ . Self-Assessment What helped me infer? Which text clues were the most helpful for inferring? Which of my connections to my knowledge helped me most?
Circle all the Text features found in the Article/Poem/Story…… Reciprocal Teaching Circle all the Text features found in the Article/Poem/Story…… PREDICT Think about the TITLE ILLUSTRATIONS AND TEXT FEATURES TO HELP YOU MAKE A PREDICTION. What do you think the passage will be about? I predict this STORY /ARTICLE /POEM is going to be about… ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Text Features: Title Subtitle Headings Illustration/drawings Photographs/pictures Caption Map Chart Graph Diagram Bold words Footnotes Highlighted words Labels
Mariah and her pals-the friendly five-are getting ready for a big swim meet, with the help o their classmate an coach, Brandon. Meanwhile, Mariah is planning a surprise birthday party for her sister Lynn, with guests bringing donations for the homeless shelter where Lynn volunteers. Organizing the party has also brought Mariah closer to her half sister, Denise.
Circle all the Text features found in the Article/Poem/Story…… Reciprocal Teaching Circle all the Text features found in the Article/Poem/Story…… PREDICT Think about the TITLE ILLUSTRATIONS AND TEXT FEATURES TO HELP YOU MAKE A PREDICTION. What do you think the passage will be about? I predict this STORY/ ARTICLE /POEM is going to be about… Based on the title and illustration I predict this article is going to be about an African girl who does not let anything upset her. Text Features: Title Subtitle Headings Illustration/drawings Photographs/pictures Caption Map Chart Graph Diagram Bold words Footnotes Highlighted words Labels
Paragraph 1
clarify Reciprocal Teaching - Clarifying patriotism MEANING Are you confused? Is there a word or phrase you don’t understand? -sound it out by chunking. -use word parts to help you figure out the meaning. -Reread the whole sentence and use the context clues to help you figure out the meaning. -Watch out for multiple meaning words. Analyze those context clues again! -Find the sentence in the passage and reread the whole paragraph. WORDS/PHRASES I’M CONFUSED ABOUT MEANING HINT/CLUES THAT MAY HELP ME CONTEXT CLUES: Definitions Synonym Antonym Contrast Comparison Examples List Cause And Effect Description Or Inference WORD PARTS: Prefix Suffix Base words Root words Multiple meaning words patriotism Devotion or loyal to ones country. patriot- ism Suffix -ism forms nouns and means “the act, state, or theory of”
Reciprocal Teaching-Visualize What are the play-by-play moves going on in your head? Close your eyes and think of the setting, characters, and possible sounds the story brings to your mind. What exactly do you see or hear in your mind? (Do a quick drawing )
Reciprocal Teaching-Questioning Questioning - Benchmarks 1-4 1- VOCABULARY 2-READING APPLICATION 3-LITERARY ANALYSIS 4-INFORMATIONAL TEXT RESEARCH PROCESS Context Basewords Affixes Roots Antonyms Synonyms Multiple Meaning Analyzing Words In Text Author’s Purpose Author’s Perspective Main Idea Relevant Details Conclusions Inferences Chronological Order Cause And Effect Text Structure Theme Topic Compare And Contrast Plot Development Character Development Character Point Of View Setting Problem/Solution Descriptive Language Figurative Language Text Features Locate Information Interpret Information Organize Information Validity Reliability
Reciprocal Teaching-Questioning Questioning - Benchmarks 1-4 TOPIC: THEME: Author’s Intent - Circle the Correct Response Passage/Poem Article/Essay To share To entertain To tell To teach a lesson To show To compare To suggest or persuade james foreten reciprocal teaching week 1.docx To teach To give facts To inform To explain To describe To contrast To suggest To provide/give To indicate To demonstrate To persuade/convince To develop To prove To give an account -Biography Main Idea: What is it MOSTLY about? Author’s Purpose: Intent + Main Idea Author’s Perspective What is the author’s feelings or thought about the topic? ______________ What else would the author read about the topic?
James Forten-Comprehension √ 1- VOCABULARY 2-READING APPLICATION 3-LITERARY ANALYSIS 4-INFORMATIONAL TEXT RESEARCH PROCESS Question 1-Benchmark:________ Question 2-Benchmark:________ Question 3-Benchmark:_______ Question 4-Benchmark:_______
Summarize-Questioning 1- VOCABULARY 2-READING APPLICATION 3-LITERARY ANALYSIS 4-INFORMATIONAL TEXT RESEARCH PROCESS Question 1-Benchmark: LA.3- What word means the same as_______.(Synonyms) Question 2-Benchmark:(LA.3- What does the author mean when he/she writes___________. (Author’s Perspective) Question 3 -Benchmark:_______ Question 4-Benchmark:_______ DESCRIPTION: A _______ is a kind of ________ that……… PROBLEM/SOLUTION: What events lead to the resolution of the problem in the story? SEQUENCE: What happened just BEFORE/AFTER COMPARE/CONTRAST: How are______ and___________ ALIKE? CAUSE/EFFECT : What are the events that caused _______? ARGUMENT/SUPPORT: Which detail from the article helps show how _______? Write a summary: ____________________________________________ SUMMARIZE Look for clue words/phrases to find the text structure. Text Structure(Circle Correct Response) Descriptive Problem/solution Chronological order Compare/contrast Cause/effect Argument/support