Language services vs. English learning Keep Changing! 跟上時潮 Or keep the change! 否則三餐不繼 Language services vs. English learning Language services 語言工作 : Competence and innovation English learning 英語學習 : Experience and exploration For National Yang Mei Senior High School Oct 22, 2009
Language services 1.Language teaching – 教學 Learning rather than teaching - Taiwanese, Japanese, Mandarin; English, Spanish 2.Translation – 翻譯 ( 筆譯 ) - Documents, files, manuals, website 3.Interpretation – 口譯 - Business appointments, conference, meeting 4.Glossary writing – 專門用語 - Specific domains, 5.Manual writing – 手冊 - Technical writing, User’s Manual, SOP
English learning 英文竅門 ESL: English as Second Language (for basic communication) 第二語文 ESP: English for Specific Purpose ESP: English for Specific Purpose (for professional communication) 專題語文 EAP : English for Academic Purpose (taking English medium instructions) 升學語文 EOP : English for Occupational Purpose 職業語文 (for mastering in English in the target occupation) (for mastering in English in the target occupation) EST : English with Specific Topics 特定主題語文 (for the actual situations in the workplace setting)
Thinking in English 用英文思考 Words and expressions 詞 ( 單字 ) 語 Content: words, phrases, sentences Operation: grammar Use:Functional, Notional, Situational Four skills 四種基本技能 -Reading & writing (Written English) – longer, more formal -Listening & speaking (Oral English) – shorter, more casual/informal
Words, words, words 單字 Pronunciation (sound) not the key Word categories – Contend words, Functional words Word tree – Inflection Stem/root, prefix, suffix, inflection Word clustering In other words, similar words, related words Phrase (putting words together) Noun phrases, verb phrases, adverb phrase, adjective phrase
Translation & Interpretation Legal Translation Legal Translation Legal Translation Scientific Translation Scientific Translation Scientific Translation Financial Translation Financial Translation Financial Translation Medical Translation Medical Translation Medical Translation Literary Translation Literary Translation Literary Translation Interpretation Interpretation Globalization/Localization Web Translation
Changing – agricultural / industrial / information Agricultural age – land Industrial age – money and man power Information age -Knowledge -Innovation -Communication -Relationship -Vision
Quality of Life Three domains: BEING Physical, Psychological, Spiritual being BELONGING Physical. Social, community belonging BECOMING Practical, leisure, growth becoming
QOL chart 1. BEINGwho one is 1.1 Physical Being 6physical health, personal hygiene, nutrition Exercise, grooming & clothing, general appearance 1.2 Psychological Beingpsychological health and adjustment, cognition, feeling [Self-esteem, self-concept and self-control] 1.3 Spiritual Being personal values, personal standards of conduct, spiritual beliefs 2. BELONGINGconnections with one’s environment 2.1 Physical belonging home, workplace/school, neighborhood, Community 2.2 Social belongingIntimate others, family, friends, Coworkers, neighborhood and community 2.3 Community belongingAdequate income, health and social services, employment Educational programs, recreational programs, community events and activities 3. BECOMING achieving personal goals, hopes and aspirations 3.1 Practical becomingdomestics activities, paid work, school or volunteer activities Seeing to health or social needs 3.2 Leisure becomingactivities that promote relaxation and stress reduction 3.3 Growth becomingactivities that promote the maintenance or improvement of knowledge and skills adapting to change
Literacy Wealth literacy Media literacy Information literacy Competence, Experience, Chance KEEP CHANGING TO BE DIFFERENT
A bit of chat 烏白切 Fun for fun dollars! Fun for funds! Importance + Enjoyment = Satisfaction