Being Healthy Healthy food (a) 1 Fact: Some food companies use words like fruit and milk to make you think that products such as snacks or puddings are healthier than they are. Task: With your partner or group, make a list of products that might use this type of advertising. Then make a list of advertising rules that would make it easier for people buying the food products to know how healthy they really are.
Being Healthy Healthy food (b) 1 Fact: Most children and adults dont know how much sugar and salt there is in their food, and the dangers it can have on their health. Task: In your group, think about where you can find out how much salt and sugar is in your food and how people could be made more aware of the dangers.
Being Healthy Keeping fit (a) 3 Question: Not everybody likes PE, so do you think that it is fair that they should have to do two hours of it every week? Task: Discuss with your partner whether you feel that two hours of PE is a good idea and if not, how else your school could help you to get active.
Being Healthy The dangers of smoking 1 Fact: Every year, over 100,000 people die from smoking-related diseases. Task: With your partner or group, talk about different ways of getting the message to people that smoking is dangerous, such as posters or television adverts. Make a list of your ideas.
Being Healthy Dealing with feelings (b) 1 Fact: ChildLine is a free phone line that children can call when they need help with their feelings or with difficult situations. Every day, around 2500 children contact ChildLine to get help and advice. Task: With your partner, discuss whether you have heard of ChildLine and whether you would call it if you were feeling down or needed help. Do you think that it is a good thing for children to have, and how could more children be made aware of it?
Being Healthy Dealing with feelings (b) 2 Opinion: Worrying about things is a normal part of growing up. Task: With your partner or group, decide whether you agree or disagree with this opinion. Think about the types of things that children worry about, and how they are sorted out. How have you sorted out any problems that you have had?