Innovation Change in the thought process for doing something with a goal of making something better. Desirable ViableAffordable Innovation
Context – What is unique? Connectivity Per capita income Skill migration Cluster of states
Reduce Impact – Make it insignificant Move up in the value chain High Quality Premium segment Example : Green Tea, Organic Farming, Small size high quality handicraft Industries with no direct transportation cost BPO and ancillaries like Training Distant learning KPO – Lawyer/Doctor/Education Target local market – low transportation cost advantage Food processing Connectivity – High transportation cost
Labor arbitrage possibility – Knowledge Industries High literacy – low per capita Migrated population willing to contribute back to the region Develop a Database – Social Networking Make them part of the program Industry consultants Tourism/ retirement resort focused on migrated population Migration of skilled manpower Common program – economies of scale Tourism Campaign Common IT initiatives Cluster of states
Leverage IT to empower SMEs Software Development and Testing Satellite Centers Focus areas: eGovernance; Local Mobile Apps; Web design Northeast Cloud IT Enable SMEs BPO/KPO ancillary units Training institutes
Thank You
Total population of 38 Mn. Covering about 8% of the total geographical area of the country. 98% of its border is with five different countries of South Asia–Nepal, Bhutan, China, Myanmar and Bangladesh EconomyPopulation & Education Above National Avg Below National Avg Facts to note