Pride in section of country vs. Pride in America
Northerners Favored protective tariff, 2 nd Bank of the US, internal improvements at federal expense Economic pursuits- shipping, fishing, lumbering and farming Significant industrialization ◦ Utilized free labor ◦ Powerful class of industrial capitalists ◦ Massachusetts- leading industrial state ◦ Chief products-textiles, leather goods, iron implements, utensils, machinery ◦ Created jobs for large immigrant population.
Opposed protective tariff, 2 nd Bank of the US, internal improvements at federal expense Favored liberal land policy, territorial expansion into the southwest expansion of slavery Farming economy ◦ Many small subsistence farmers ◦ Small # of wealthy plantation owners dominated Used slave labor Cash crops –tobacco, rice, sugar but cotton was KING
Favored protective tariffs, liberal land policy, territorial expansion, internal improvements at federal expense Opposed 2 nd Bank of the US, expansion of slavery Small, family-sized farms Raised wheat, rye, corn, meat Worked hard on own farms to improve economic status