English for Communication Studies II -Persuasive oral presentation- Instructor: ms Stavroulla Hadjiconstantinou Communication and internet studies department Nectaria Papaneokleous
Topic Biography of John Donahoe
Biography John Donahoe was born 30 of April in 1960 in the American mid-west. He graduated the Dartmouth College and Stanford Business School and he’s first job was management consultant at Bain. And now is working on *eBay He is married and he has four children
* What is eBay ? eBay is an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide.
Biography 2 Donahoe went to eBay in February 2005 as President of eBay Marketplaces. In this role, he focused on expanding eBay's core business, which accounts for a large percentage of the company's revenues. Donahoe also oversaw a number of strategic acquisitions, including: Shopping.com, StubHub, and also classifieds. During the three years he served as President of Marketplaces, revenues and profits for this division doubled.
Biography 3 John Donahoe became President and CEO of eBay Inc. on March 31, 2008, succeeding Meg Whitman, who stepped down from the role after 10 years, and who continues to serve on the company's Board of Directors. As President and CEO, he has global responsibility for growing each of the company's business units, which include: 1.eBay Marketplaces 2.PayPal.
Biography 4 Prior to eBay, Donahoe spent more than 20 years at Bain & Company, a worldwide consulting firm based in Boston. He started as an associate consultant, but he rose to become the firm's CEO.
Bibliography ess/movers_and_shakers/article ece ess/movers_and_shakers/article ece
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