Madison City Schools 2015 Budget FY 2015 Proposed Budget 2nd Public Hearing September 9, 2014
Madison City 2015 Budget Objective Maintain pupil/teacher ratios Control expenses ◦Justify request Maintain adequate fund reserves 2
Highlights FY 2015 Budget System ADM – Arrears by (funding purposes). System ADM - Current Year Increased by Funded Teacher Units – Increased by PEEHIP – Increased by $ per employee/annually Operating Days of Fund Balance. Salaries and Benefits – General Fund – 78.86% of Budget A 2% growth of Local General Fund Revenues covers a System ADM increase (unfunded). At this point the budgeted Expenditure are just slightly greater than Revenues - $35, Debt Service Fund – No relief from Debt Payments until No new revenue source to allow for additional Capital Projects. Restructuring of current debt a possibility. 3
4 Per Pupil Expenditure School SystemADM Total ExpendituresPPERank Pickens County2, ,698,4649,03540 Trussville City4, ,181,5159,02141 Ozark City2, ,579,6059,01942 Choctaw County1, ,269,7358,96843 Marshall County5, ,342,7318,96344 Scottsboro City2, ,439,3778,92545 Boaz City2, ,002,7938,89746 Franklin County3, ,008,7318,89547 Randolph County2, ,954,5008,87348 Fayette County2, ,107,1368,87249 Muscle Shoals City2, ,061,1288,86550 Talladega City2, ,819,1818,85851 Oxford City4, ,323,1528,84752 Tuscumbia City1, ,110,5528,84753 Troy City2, ,565,4708,84254 Madison City9, ,436,7528,83255 MCS8, Average8, Min7, Max13, School SystemADM Total ExpendituresPPERank Lowndes County1, ,956,01713,0841 Homewood City3, ,567,39612,7192 Anniston City2, ,697,21311,6913 Mountain Brook City4, ,107,32911,6654 Marengo County1, ,160,17511,2085 Bullock County1, ,550,90311,0886 Greene County1, ,104,99010,7027 Hoover City13, ,564,18310,5618 Conecuh County1, ,744,22210,5259 Sheffield City1, ,326,45610,50810 Coosa County1, ,988,96010,44811 Florence City4, ,993,59810,39012 Tuscaloosa City9, ,300,37510,36613 Athens City3, ,678,47310,27714 Colbert County2, ,601,37910,24015
BJHS Student Population BJHS Renovation Discovery Renovation Heritage Addition BJHS Addition Stadium
Madison City Schools Budget EXHIBIT B-I-A GOVERNMENTALFIDUCIARY FUND TYPESSPECIALDEBTCAPITALEXPENDABLETOTAL DESCRIPTIONGENERALREVENUESERVICEPROJECTSTRUST(Memo Only) REVENUES STATE REVENUES47,796, ,130, ,505, , ,523, FEDERAL REVENUES327, ,556, ,883, LOCAL REVENUES29,404, ,173, ,675, , ,603, ,866, OTHER REVENUES374, , , TOTAL REVENUES77,902, ,010, ,181, , ,603, ,797, EXPENDITURES: INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES44,079, ,869, , ,297, INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES13,160, ,762, , ,563, OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE8,767, , , ,359, AUXILIARY SERVICES3,596, ,423, ,000, , ,138, GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES2,741, , ,787, CAPITAL OUTLAY ,299, ,299, DEBT SERVICES0.00 9,270, ,270, OTHER EXPENDITURES707, , , ,789, TOTAL EXPENDITURES73,052, ,622, ,270, ,300, ,260, ,506, OTHER FUND SOURCES (USES): OTHER FUND SOURCES458, ,428, ,765, ,000, , ,698, OTHER FUND USES5,388, ,092, ,610, , ,241, TOTAL OTHER FUND SOURCES (USES)(4,930,341.57)1,335, ,154, ,000,000.00(103,839.60)1,456, EXCESS REVENUES & OTHER SOURCES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES & OTHER FUND USES (80,689.42)724, ,527.84(22,201,317.66)239,643.40(21,252,230.62) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE - OCT 116,194, ,154, ,324, ,096, , ,287, ENDING FUND BALANCE - SEP 3016,114, ,878, ,390, ,895, , ,034,898.93
Changes to Budget Since 1 st Public Hearing General Fund Gifted Testing $ 10, Safety Training $ 2, Sp. Ed Summer School Transportation $ (16,721.00) Updated Coordinator Salary – Admin. $ 0.00 Hippy Grant – Increased by $600 $ 0.00 ARI Allocation $ 49, Net Effect GF – Addition to Expenditures $ 45,
Changes to Budget Since 1 st Public Hearing Special Revenue Fund Title I – N & D – Increased by $4,575 $ 0.00 ELL – Decreased by $315 $ 0.00 Title I – Updated Exp. $ 0.00 Net Effect – Special Revenue Fund $
Changes to Budget Since 1 st Public Hearing Capital Projects Fund BRAC Fund Balance - Revenue $1,500, BRAC – BJHS Renovation - Expenditure $1,500, Net Effect – Capital Projects Fund $
Total Proposed Budget FY 15 10
Proposed General Fund Budget FY 2015 Revenue State$ 47,796,865 Federal $ 327,000 Local$ 29,404,582 Other Uses $ 374,112 TOTAL$77,902,559 11
General Fund Salary & Benefits Expenditures 12 Salary and Benefit Expenditures $ 61,842,940 Other General Fund Expenditures $ 16,598,726 Total General Fund Expenditures $78,441,666
Madison City School's Outstanding Debt 13 Fiscal Year Total $ 9,143, $ 9,131, $ 9,126, $ 9,127, $ 9,121, $ 9,158, $ 9,349, $ 9,333, $ 9,336, $ 10,104, $ 11,047, $ 9,160, $ 9,580, $ 7,130, $ 6,658, $ 6,641, $ 6,650, $ 6,649, $ 6,639, $ 5,687, $ 5,689, $ 5,691, $ 5,690, $ 5,691, $ 5,687, TOTAL $ 197,229,958.66
Capital Projects Fund $23,300,267 Bob Jones Renovation Swimming Facility MES and LMS Parking Lot Resurfacing HVAC at Madison Elementary City Stadium Bleachers Purchase School Buses 14
FY 2015 Proposed Budget 2nd Public Hearing September 9, 2014