Jennifer Winikus Computer Engineering Seminar Michigan Technological University February 10,2011 2/10/2011J Winikus EE5900 1
Presentation based on : 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Gregory Chen, Dennis Sylvester, David Blaauw, and Trevor Mudge IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI) Systems, Vol. 18 No. 11, November 2010
SRAM Performance Background SRAM 6T and 8T designs Experiment Methodology Experimental Results Conclusions 2/10/2011J Winikus EE5900 3
Reduction in energy consumption is a high priority objective for electronics RAM cells are optimized by utilizing transistors instead of flip flops to improve density Transistors have increase in “failure” as V DD is minimized near and below V TH Simulations of 8T and 6T SRAM at various sizes, V DD, V TH performed to analyze for future applications 2/10/2011J Winikus EE5900 4
RAM is the acronym for Random Access Memory Utilized by computers and digital devices as a temporary memory storage to store data as it is processed RAM and Processor speeds are the main components in the speed of a computer except for saving functions that the hard drive capabilities factor in 2/10/2011J Winikus EE5900 5
Acronym for Static Random Access Memory Denser then flip flops Faster then DRAM Holds the data as long as power is applied Form arrays on the RAM chips 2/10/2011J Winikus EE5900 6
Three power regions exist for Transistors: triode, saturation and cut-off Near Threshold region is classified as between 400 and 700 mV 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Power Regions in MOSFET
The shifting of V TH for each transistor independently Reduces Static Noise Margin Causes mismatches within cells More predominate influence on system at smaller V DD Robustness is reduced with Random Dopant Fluctuation 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
Researchers at MIT have established that in general the relationship between total energy, energy leakage and Voltage in terms of the energy per ALU cycle ALU cycles are computer architecture’s actions ALU’s include read and write 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Advances in Ultra-Low-Voltage Design Joyce Kwong, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Designs are based around desired read and write speeds and stability Cross coupled invertors are responsible for holding the state 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
The voltage threshold in the MOSFET in which below the threshold the transistor is essentially off, only leakage current passes between the drain and source 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
Read is performed by prechargin the cell and floating the bitline Write is performed by driving opposite values to the bitline overriding the wordline 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
Read Upset The voltage applied to the node holding the zero value is flipped due to noise Dependent on the pass gate strength Write Timing Hold Static Noise Margin over powers the cross- coupled invertors causing the state being stored to flip 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
Useful for independent read-write ports, done by having adding two additional stacked negative channel FETS to the 6 cell to isolate the read and write ports from each other 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
The addition of a separate Read Bitline eliminates the read failure that occurs in the 6T cell Benefit of having the separate ports is that the remaining 6 transistors can be sized and doped to get the desired write stability Failure mechanisms are otherwise the same as the 6T 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
An alternative to sizing modification The premise is the modification of voltage thresholds for behaviors such that failures are prevented In a duel port structure the word line voltage can be reduced when read process is performed The implementation is done through addition of diodes More complex drivers and decoding is needed with this methodology 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
Modification of the threshold voltage of the transistors for the design specific goals In application the tuning of MOSFETs are done by exciting dopants in the drain and source with laser pulses to achieve desired threshold voltages 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
8T SRAM is typically 33% larger then a 6T cell V TH is optimized separately for the SRAM and the Logic to improve robustness and performance Sizing alterations can be minimized by utilizing Assist Circuits 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
The experiment methodology is an incremental conditioning structure Only Word Line Drivers, Bit Line Drivers and bit cells are considered 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near- Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
Monte Carlo To account for high yeild systems like 8-kb SRAM with a 99% yeild, the failure rate is on the order of 10 -7, which requires atleast 10 million simulations SRAM with caches larger then 8-kb have smaller failure rates in which more simulations would be needed Definition: Monte Carlo is the art of approximating an expectation by the sample mean of a function of simulated random variables(UC Berkley) Importance Sampling A unique probability density function is chosen for each transistor Choosing a relative range to choose the samples from 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
Based on the percent error seen over many iterations, using the importance sampling 20,000 samples is sufficient for accurate results Monte Carlo sampling would require samples for accurate results 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
The selected threshold voltages are chosen by choosing random values from within the sample probability distribution in which the normal distribution is shifted to induce a higher probability of failure Selectively choosing the region speeds up analysis by eliminating samples from regions that are not of interest of the experiment 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
Measured using Static Noise Margin or Corner Cases Determines if optimization is complete 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
Activity Factor is the average fraction of bit cells accessed per cycle V min is the voltage in which the energy needed per operation is minimized 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
Robustness is controlled to be constant through the modification of the size of the Bit Cells. This allows for V TH tuning 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
L1- small in size, high in activity, total energy is mostly dynamic L2- larger in size then L1, lower activity 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010): The energy reduction capability by tuning is most significantly seen in the 8T, a 61% reduction, including sizing as well results in an 83% energy reduction for the 8T cell
The activity behavior of the circuit is a substantial controlling factor in V min and E min 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
The relationship produced between activity factor and V min demonstrates that the less activity the higher the V min 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
Of the components that assist circuit has been applied the only is beneficial in the sub threshold region for the overdriven word line 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
Performance is compromised with voltage reduction, but is minimized with the use of assists 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
The parabolic response of the energy cost per bit access for the write line displays the correspondence with the V min as below the approximate value the energy increases again Below about 650 mV assist drooping is no longer considered to assist the circuit Leakage increases in a near exponential behavior below V min 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
Assist circuit design benefits in this result for minimum voltage capabilities Energy cost increases with activity 2/10/2011J Winikus EE Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010):
With low failure rates, Importance Sampling is more efficient then Monte Carlo Sampling Scaling to 300mV for 8T cells achieves 83% energy reduction In effort to reduce power and maintain function-ability size is the compromise or through the addition of assist circuit Assist modification of certain functional components is beneficial in failure prevention as voltage decreases 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
In the computer based 21 st Century there is the drive for faster computing, smaller devices and less power consumption The results display that at this point tuning threshold voltages is the most promising advancement to forward the consumer desires The results express the trade off that exists, size or power, speed or power 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
Chen, Gregory, et al. "Yield-Driven Near-Threshold SRAM Design." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS (2010): R.P. Lu, A.D. Ramirez, B.W. Offord, and S.D. Russell of SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific for the Office of Naval Research.“Threshold Voltage Tuning of Metal-Gate MOSFETs Using an Excimer Laser”. Advances in Ultra-Low-Voltage Design.Joyce Kwong, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology bac26c8/index.jsp?&pName=sscs_level1_article&path=sscs/08Fall&f ile=Kwong.xml&xsl=article.xsl bac26c8/index.jsp?&pName=sscs_level1_article&path=sscs/08Fall&f ile=Kwong.xml&xsl=article.xsl Eric C. Anderson, 1999, UC Berkeley. “Lecture Notes for Stat 578C” tes.pdf 2/10/2011J Winikus EE
2/10/2011J Winikus EE