ACTE National Policy Update Stephen DeWitt, Deputy Executive Director.


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Presentation transcript:

ACTE National Policy Update Stephen DeWitt, Deputy Executive Director

ACTE’s Voice in the Field Advocates with Congress, the Department of Education, Department of Labor and other federal departments and agencies Through grassroots efforts, ensures policymakers hear from the CTE community Represents CTE in national education dialogue through partnerships with national education policy organizations One of the few organizations focused on national public awareness issues pertaining to CTE

ACTE Action Center Med ia Issu es

ACTE Public Policy Staff

Political Climate As we move toward elections, partisanship is expected to get worse Only “must-pass” legislation is moving Cantor’s defeat creating House chaos Funding issues are driving the debate…even on authorizing issues Jobs/skills gap are key concerns

Congressional Schedule Senate RecessHouse RecessJune 30-July 4 August 4-September 5August 1-September 5 September October 3----

Happening Now… FY 2015 Funding Reauthorizations Workforce Investment Act Carl D. Perkins Act Higher Education Act Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Federal Perkins Appropriations

President’s FY 15 Budget Request Total education funding increased by over $1 billion ($69 billion) Level Funds Perkins State Grants ($1.118 billion) Does not fully restore to pre-sequester National Programs remain at sequester level Proposes set-aside from Perkins State Grants $100 million for competitive innovation fund, including $10 million for “Pay-for-Success” projects Reflects department’s blueprint for reauthorization of Perkins CTE Act

FY 15 Appropriations Process Appropriations request letters for Perkins went to House and Senate Labor-HHS-ED subcommittees in early April Called for increase to pre-sequester levels 94 signers in House and 25 in Senate Sec. Duncan testified on Administration’s budget request in April and May House and Senate Labor-HHS-ED appropriations subcommittees, House Education and the Workforce Committee, and Senate Budget Committee. Questioned on budget request for Perkins Committees were critical of focus on competitive programs

FY 15 Appropriations Process Caps for each of the 12 subcommittees 302(b) allocations for Labor, HHS and Education… Current FY 14: $156.8 billion House FY 15: $155.7 billion Senate FY 15: $156.8 billion Perkins funding will come from this total House and Senate Appropriations Committees will write FY 15 funding bills

FY 2015 Appropriations Process Senate subcommittee markup 6/10 Only some numbers released – not full bill Bill estimated to provide a 0.3% increase in discretionary funding for the Department of Education Full committee markup postponed indefinitely House yet to schedule any education markup CR very likely

Key FY 2015 Appropriations Messages Funding for the Perkins is currently more than $140 million lower than in FY 2010 Over 20 states are currently receiving allocations at or below the level they received in 1998 It is time to build our federal investment in CTE by supporting increased Perkins funding in FY 2015 Congress must make investing in CTE a top priority

Perkins Reauthorization

Administration’s CTE Blueprint CTE Blueprint Released spring 2012 Key themes of: Alignment, Collaboration, Accountability, Innovation Concerns related to many aspects, particularly competitive funding and mandatory consortia grants Not getting much positive attention on Hill

House Activity Subcommittee hearing, 9/20/13 Full Committee hearing, 11/19/13 Field hearing in Las Vegas, 3/18/14 Big focus on industry partnerships, certifications, and secondary-postsecondary pathways Likely to turn to Perkins after WIA

Senate Activity No formal activity on Perkins, but possibility in summer Senate staff are gathering information Key themes: Labor market alignment Public-private partnerships Secondary-postsecondary connections Performance/accountability Innovation/best practices

New Senate CTE Caucus CTE Briefing, June 11 Edison HS CTE Academies visit, May 29 Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Co-Chair

ACTE Activities Now working on specific legislative language Working closely with congressional staff; particularly Caucus and Committees Helped form a coalition of groups interested in the law Organizing school visits and briefings for Hill staff, educational briefings for press, etc

Business Involvement IBM-led group has been meeting with Hill staff Released a letter in May with over 200 sigs: Align CTE programs to the needs of the regional, state, and local labor market Support effective and meaningful collaboration between secondary and postsecondary institutions and employers; Increase student participation in experiential learning opportunities such as industry internships, apprenticeships and mentorships; and promote the use of industry- recognized credentials

Partner Groups National Assn. of State Directors of CTE Consortium American Association of School Administrators National Education Association National Governors Association Business groups – IBM, Chamber of Commerce, Opportunity Nation, etc. Ed/Workforce groups – NAPE, NASSP, NAWB, counseling groups, CTSOs, etc.

ACTE Perkins Guiding Principles 1.Redefine the Federal Role in CTE 2.Target Expenditures 3.Define Program Quality Elements 4.Ensure Relevant and Consistent Data 5.Offer Incentives for Innovation 6.Provide the Infrastructure to Support the System

Workforce Investment Act

Strengthening Knowledge and Investing in Life-Long Skills (SKILLS) Act (H.R. 803) Passed the House on March 15, 2013 Workforce Investment Act of 2013 (S. 1356) Passed HELP Committee on bipartisan vote Bipartisan, bicameral negotiations yielded compromise last week

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Elimination of sequence of services Direct contracting with education providers Focus on career pathways Common accountability measures Workforce boards streamlined – may be more difficult for CTE to be represented Infrastructure funding compromise

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Bill originally “hot-lined” in Senate May be considered on floor next week as amendment to House bill Non-controversial amendments will be allowed – no list yet After bill passes Senate it will go back to House No “Plan B”

Higher Education Act Still in hearings phase in both Senate and House Big focus on financial aid aspects Administration has announced new college ratings system o Include metrics on access, affordability and outcomes o Not final yet but will publish by 2015 o Goal to allow easy comparison of institutions o Could have impacts on financial aid eligibility with congressional approval

ESEA Reauthorization Strengthening America’s Schools Act (S.1094) Approved in Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee in June 2013 on partisan vote Student Success Act (H.R.5) Passed through full House on partisan vote in July 2013

Advocacy at Home Most MOCs are supportive of CTE, but we need to keep them active and knowledgeable. Build a relationship with your Members of Congress.

Advocacy Opportunities Visit state or district offices to meet with staff Attend a town hall featuring your member Members tend to hold weekly “coffee hours” open to all constituents Op-Eds & Letters to the Editor

Host a School Visit Coordinate a date with your Member to come see your program. What is this typically? One of the most effective means of driving support Check out our tips on setting up school visits on our online Advocacy Toolkit - o School tour showing off CTE programs o Opportunities for the Member to speak with teachers and students o Opportunity for Member to speak about his or her CTE priorities to media, students and teachers

Key Resources Online Advocacy Toolkit CTE Action Center CTE Policy Watch Blog ACTE News – Policy Section Legislative Alerts Fact Sheets Issue Briefs/Sheets

New Sector Fact Sheets


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Contact Information Association for Career and Technical Education Stephen DeWitt – Alisha Hyslop –