PRESENTATION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION Compliance with the Implementation of the Batho Pele Principle of Consultation 25 June 2008
OVERVIEW OF PRESENTATION 2 1.Introduction and background 2.Research methodology 3.Key findings 4.Good practice process for benchmarking 5.Conclusion and recommendations
Introduction and Background Objectives of the PSC study ▪ Assess compliance with the implementation of the Batho Pele principle of Consultation. ▪ Determine effectiveness of consultation in the Public Service. ▪ Determine challenges and barriers to consulting adequately.
Introduction and Background Cont 4 CONSTITUTION people’s needs be responded to & public encouraged to participate. PARTICIPATION –can obviate potential adversarialism between government & citizens –can assist in transforming the Public Service into a service- driven, citizen-centred and accountable institution BATHO PELE White Paper principle of Consultation requires citizens to be consulted about services they receive from the Public Service. Previous BP studies undertaken include Service Standards, Access, Redress. PSC’s Constitutional role monitor & evaluate & BP requirement to be monitored by the PSC
Research Methodology 5 LITERATURE REVIEW The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa The White Paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery The Batho Pele Handbook The Charter Mark (UK) The State of the Public Service Report (2007) TOOL DEVELOPMENT Semi-structured questionnaire developed on the basis of information from the literature review
Research Methodology Cont 6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Scope covered all national and provincial departments except: (i) The South African Secret Service, (ii) The South African National Defence Force, and (iii) National Intelligence Agency. DATA ANALYSIS All verbatim data was captured in MS Word format Responses and items were coded Data captured into specially designed data base Frequency distribution was done using SPSS package
Key Findings 7 Goals of Consultation Creates a balance between what citizens want & what departments can deliver Ensures customer satisfaction with quality & quantity of services delivered Service delivery improves Ensures that there is mutual respect between service providers and customers
Departments’ understanding of Consultation ▪ Soliciting views of stakeholders [90%] ▪ Informing customers of services [3%] ▪ Interacting with customers [3%] ▪ Encouraging participation [2%] ▪ Transforming Public Service delivery [2%] Key Findings Cont
9 Departmental consultative initiatives Workshops/ seminars/ summits [23%] Izimbizo [17%] Engaging critical stakeholders* [17%] Print/ radio/ TV media [11%] Public awareness campaigns [9%] Community outreach [5%] Road shows [3%] Suggestion boxes [3%] Other [5%] * Special initiatives introduced to consult critical stakeholders e.g. in Agriculture Farmer Support Structures
Key Findings Cont 10 Consultation standards have been developed by 51% of departments. The following reflects on how Consultation standards have been met: Standards met [59%] Standards partially met [21%] Standards not met [9%] Don’t know [11%]
Key Findings Cont 11 Service aspects that departments consult on: Departmental programmes [35%] Service delivery [11%] Strategic development [9%] Awareness of service [7%] Needs assessment/ satisfaction [7%] Policy [7%] Financial planning/ administration [5%] Service standards [6%] Other [13%]
Key Findings Cont 12 Measures to consult rural & urban groups Via key stakeholders [rural 25% & urban 35%] Community outreach programmes [rural 24% & urban 11%] Izimbizo/ public meetings [rural 23% & urban 24%] Flyers/ brochures/posters [rural 8% & urban 7%] Radio [rural 15% & urban 17%]
Key Findings Cont 13 Informing citizens how their contributions have been incorporated into decision-making Reports incl. Annual reports [37%] Meetings/ workshops [35%] Speeches [10%] Personal communications [10%] Public awareness campaigns [8%]
Key Findings Cont 14 Challenges in dealing with consultation Budget constraints [21%] Geographic distribution of customers [13%] Language/ literacy [12%] Capacity [11%] Feedback not used [11%] Poor public participation [11%] Lack of infrastructure [9%] Time constraints [7%] Logistics [4%] Catering [2%] Unrealistic expectations [1%]
Key Findings Cont 15 Strategies to address challenges facing consultation Communication strategies17% Systems & design for more effective consultation15% Planning with departments15% Translation12% More funding11% Dedicated units for managing consultation11% Increased public participation 4% Logistics 4% Partnering with the private sector 4% Increased monitoring of consultation 2%
Key Findings Cont 16 Consultation initiatives budgeted for Staff training [29%] Workshops/ meetings [21%] Printing/ publishing [14%] Special events [11%] Marketing/ advertising [9%] Other [16%]
GOOD PRACTICE PROCESS FOR CONSULTATION- Process 1 1 st phase Departments should review mandates & objectives Assess the degree to which available capacity is aligned with delivering services Assess available service delivery mechanisms, & how well they function Gather intelligence on customers incl. profile, how they engage their services and current service use Identify gaps.
GOOD PRACTICE PROCESS FOR CONSULTATION- Process 1 2nd phase Occurs once departments have dev guidelines for new services or for re-engineered services ▪ Customers consulted on the degree to which new services/ re-engineered services meet their needs ▪ Align operations and services with the needs of citizens ▪ Flag problems with service delivery before they occur
GOOD PRACTICE PROCESS FOR CONSULTATION- Process 1 3rd phase ▪ Evaluate the implementation ▪ Monitor the effectiveness of the service offered
GOOD PRACTICE PROCESS FOR CONSULTATION- Process 2 Process 2 is an activity within Process 1 ▪ Identify objectives of the consultation initiative (objectives should be realistic, achievable and measurable) ▪ Take into account type of information required & level of analysis ▪ Establish qualitative & quantitative data needed ▪ Consult & ensure its according to approved design ▪ Analyse & interprete findings
Conclusion Departments have embarked on a variety of activities to communicate with the public. Not all of these fulfill a consultative function –e.g. through reports, advertisements and websites.
Recommendations Prioritise the concretisation of consultation standards. Assess different consultation mechanisms & ensure use of the most feasible, effective & efficient. Improve the manner in which they monitor & evaluate implementation of consultation.