Honors Seminar Welcome Back September 8-11 th,2015
PAAARTYYY!!! Our Fall Mixer is Thursday of next week – September 17 th Please come, get your T-shirt, eat great food, have good fun, listen and dance to music, play games and meet fellow Honors students. Find upper classmen in your field. Hope to see you there!
Reminders – Contracts Due soon Please remember if you are not currently in an Honors class this is the week to start turning in contracts for classes. (You need 1 Honors Class/Semester until you reach 6 classes or 18 hours) Please remember it can only be for a class which has no Honors Class alternative – ie not History 101 for which there is an Honors 103, not English Please decide what you want to do for Honors credit before you see your professor. Otherwise he/she may not wish the extra work. Download the contracts from the website, under Current Student link. See Dr. Frederick for ideas if you’re stuck!!
A Word About the Computer Lab Please remember that other Honors students use the computer lab. It is not your private property. Please be patient if there is something wrong – please come to the office and we will fix it. Please do not delete and/or add printers to the computers. It doesn’t speed things up, it jams them up. One of the copiers is down, please use the others until we can get it fixed and/or come to the office and we’ll copy it for you. If you are printing a power point, please print at least two or more slides per page. You can choose this option under the print preferences prior to printing.
Committees You should be hearing from your Committee chair soon about events and commitments for the fall. Please check your at least once/week. Please help your committee at least once this fall – we need you. If you don’t know your committee check the website under current student, and/or see Dr. Frederick.
Today we Vote for Seminars Raise a hand and suggest a topic you wish to present or discuss After we get suggestions we vote. Remember, please vote for only the seminars you wish to see. We’ll give you the number of seminars for your section. Be patient while we count. Seminar winners please come to the front afterward to choose the date of your seminar and fill out paperwork.
Visit from the Alzheimer’s Assoc. Please welcome our speaker from the Alzheimer’s Association with information for you and a request for your help. Tuesday – Debra Harrington Wednesday – Carey Lawson Thursday - TBA