PRESENTED BY JULI CALLAHAN / SARAH JOHNSTON INCLUSION / PROGRAM SPECIALIST LISD 2009 National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Implementing Specially Designed Instruction
AGENDA I.G oal: To inform special education teachers : of the district’s vision for the district- wide implementation of research – based practices, as it aligns with universal design for learning; of the implementation process as well as the accountability factor To support: teachers by providing monthly trainings (as well as additional trainings as needed) regarding UDL II. Objectives: Teachers will (a) become aware of the district’s vision in terms of expectations (walk through form), (b) become aware of planned methods to provide them with support, (c) learn what universal design for learning is and ways to implement it III. Introduction: A. LISD’s Vision for Best Practice: B. Accountability and support National Universal Design for Learning Task Force
AGENDA, cont. 1. Walk through form IV.Universal Design for Learning: A. The wh’s about UDL V. Guided Learning: A. Implementing UDL / Active learning Group work – Jigsaw activity Taking a look at a model lesson plan / comparing the traditional approach to the UDL approach and teaching the components VI.Assessment: A. Creating a lesson plan using UDL approach VI. Closing : Questions / Concerns National Universal Design for Learning Task Force
Universal Design for Learning National Universal Design for Learning Task Force LISD’s goal is to establish a district wide, common vision of what constitutes specialized designed instruction, aligned with legal perspectives and research based practices in the field. During the school years instructional walk-thru visits will be completed in LISD to monitor the delivery of specialized designed instruction (SDI). It will be essential to establish common vocabulary and understanding along with consistent implementation of appropriate accommodations under the umbrella of UDL.
Monitoring teacher implementation of specially designed instruction and services Refer to walk through form: Accommodations : UDL Instruction: Intensive and individualized specially designed instruction Grouping Strategies Behavior Management Strategies Classroom Environment Components Progress Monitoring National Universal Design for Learning Task Force
Universal Design for Learning National Universal Design for Learning Task Force The Challenge All students have different learning needs, abilities, and preferences
Universal Design for Learning National Universal Design for Learning Task Force The Need Provide learning opportunities in the general education curriculum that are INCLUSIVE and EFFECTIVE FOR ALL “A scientifically valid framework for guiding educational practice” (Source: Higher Education Opportunity of 2008)
Active learning activity Classify, Sort & Organize Give each student a card. Ask students to find others whose card fit the same category & synthesize the information. Have students with cards in the same category present themselves to the rest of the class. As each category is presented make teaching points you think are important. Toss-A-Question A fun way to have students exchange ideas and teach one another. This works as a tool for reinforcing content. Students get to ask and answer questions, teach, learn, and share expertise with classmates. (group activity) National Universal Design for Learning Task Force
Universal Design for Learning Escalator video clip What message do you take from this? National Universal Design for Learning Task Force
Universal design for learning… National Universal Design for Learning Task Force “provides flexibility in the ways: information is presented students respond or demonstrate knowledge and skills (and students) are engaged”
Universal design for learning… National Universal Design for Learning Task Force reduces barriers in instruction provides appropriate accommodations [and] supports… maintains high achievement expectations
Universal design for learning National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Combines new insights from brain research about the nature of learner differences… …with a century of best practices in progressive education
Defining UDL National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Principles laid down by the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) in the 1990’s Federal support for UDL research, dissemination since 1999 Defined by federal statute in 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act
Universal design for learning National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Eliminating or reducing barriers to academic success for all students Valuing diversity in the classroom through proactive design of inclusive curriculum
Why UDL? National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Schools are working to improve academic performance; Today’s classrooms include many diverse learners; THUS, schools need to find ways to better meet the needs of all students
UDL offers all students… National Universal Design for Learning Task Force more ways to access… more ways to participate… more ways to demonstrate learning…
What are the UDL Principles? National Universal Design for Learning Task Force In each area of the curriculum provide varied and flexible options for: Representing information Action and expression Engagement
Multiple Representations of Information National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Examples Offer text-to-speech, video, audio, and other multimedia; integrate assistive technologies into learning environment Provide vocabulary support and background knowledge Highlight critical features and main ideas
Multiple Means of Action and Expression National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Examples Let students show what they know with voice recording, graphic displays, performance, etc. Provide models of expert performance Offer executive-function supports such as graphic organizers, outlines, etc.
Multiple Means of Engagement National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Examples Vary levels of challenge and support to prevent frustration or boredom Tie work to real-world examples Where possible, give choices Teach self- assessment and reflection
Ferris Bueller Video clip National Universal Design for Learning Task Force
UDL applies to the whole curriculum National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Goals Instruction Materials Assessment
Goals National Universal Design for Learning Task Force TraditionalUDL Learning goals may Learning goals are get skewed by theattained in many inflexible ways andindividualized ways, means of achievingby many customized them.means.
Materials National Universal Design for Learning Task Force TraditionalUDL Mostly print and Variety of materials, everyone gets the media, and formats same reach learners with diverse abilities, styles, and needs equally well. Few options
Methods National Universal Design for Learning Task Force TraditionalUDL Teacher-centeredInteractivity (lecture) HomogeneousHeterogeneous groupinggrouping Burden on student toRich supports for adapt to “get it”understanding, independent learning
National Universal Design for Learning Task Force
Assessment National Universal Design for Learning Task Force TraditionalUDL Confuse goals withMany possible meansmeans as long as they measure learning! Summative – whenSupports It’s too late to adjustinstructional Instruction!improvement
National Universal Design for Learning Task Force
UDL Guidelines
With UDL, more students are… National Universal Design for Learning Task Force engaged in their own education learning at greater breadth and depth achieving at higher levels motivated to continue learning
More educators are… National Universal Design for Learning Task Force teaching effectively in classrooms with diverse student needs spending more time on instruction and facilitating learning helping ALL learners succeed
National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Lewisville ISD embraces Universal Design for Learning as the evolution of general educator and special educator roles. On a state level, Universal Design for Learning is supported through state standards and benchmarks; curriculum adoption polices; and professional development initiatives
Federal supports for UDL National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Statutes and regulations No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA)
Implementing UDL National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Model lesson plan (see handout/group work) CAST Case Story: Reading Challenges in Social Studies
Designing a UDL lesson National Universal Design for Learning Task Force Group work: Design a brief lesson plan using the UDL approach to include: I. Lesson Goal II. Learner Objectives III. Introduce Lesson (multiple means of representation) IV. Guide Lesson (multiple means of engagement V. Assessment (multiple means of assessment)
Lesson Plan Format using UDL Lesson Goal Learner Objective(s) Introduce Lesson using multiple means of representation Guide Lesson using multiple means of engagement Assessment/evaluation using multiple means of assessment National Universal Design for Learning Task Force
References : National Universal Design for Learning Task Force National Universal Design for Learning Task Force: Model lesson plan from CAST (
Closing Dead Poet’s Society video clip National Universal Design for Learning Task Force